i thought about this right when I first started playing and think it is a great idea for the most part. you would be able to sell them below market value and give lower level player coming up an easy way to improve cheaply. On the other hand this is how wgt bleeds newer, less skilled people of their money and credits, so it will never happen. They should also have a fairer Credit exchange rate. To buy 5000 credits is 50$ to buy 25000 credits is 250$. Why is it then that you can not cash 25000 credits out for a 250$ gift card. In stead they charge you 250000 credits to cash out a 250$ gift card. That is some BS. They have their interest in the credits leveraged 10 to 1 if you want to get you money out. I would even say that 50000 credits to cash out a 250$ gift card is outrageous! You should be able to cash your credits out for the price you pay for. 1 to 1 exchange rate!