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Re: TM with ambitions to become TL

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Sun, Dec 30 2012 1:37 AM (5 replies)
  • muttsnutts69
    283 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 4:09 PM

    So this is my quandary, my ave is dropping too quickly and Legend status will be upon me in no time, yet I can't get access to the best clubs.

    That's one problem.

    Second problem is if I want to get to TL, then I have to complete 500 ranked rounds and keep my average to 60, so do I play 500 rounds and abort anything that will up my ave. That won't be any fun if I am competing in CC multi round tournies.

    We all have an off day, and anyway I don't like aborting any round.

    If I just play the 500 rounds (3 months or so I reckon ) and let my ave go up, then the task of getting it back down to 60 will be horrendously long and arduous.

    I can shoot 29 / 30 off my TM tees, but doing that off the back won't be so easy on a regular basis.

    Which approach would you advise.

    Thanks in advance.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 4:42 PM

    Which approach would you advise.

    Play and enjoy...when you are good enough, up you will go.

    Playing for sub 30 rounds only,may make you a T/L but not a good one I suggest..also those 29's may be harder to come by than you think. You'll be aborting 80% of your rounds. (if not more in the beginning)

    Also you are only one level off the R11s and the clubs you have many Legends+ use, not to mention the Bladz.


  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 4:52 PM

    I agree with Andy 100%, take your time, play all of your rounds out, and yes, your average will go up but if you play consistently you will learn more and will get your 500 rounds in quicker,  It will take you more than 500 rounds to get to TL but it will be worth it to you in the long run.

    Also, don't play them all on one course.  The courses vary and you need the experience you will gain from all of them.  Focus on consistency!!  Big time!!  Learn y9our recovery shots well, and know what your clubs are capable of.  The R11's are incredibly versatile and will hold much better on the long iron shots, but pay a lot of attention to how you use the BS on the ball with them.  You will find that they are capable of a lot more than you give them credit for.

    Play all your rounds out no matter the score, otherwise you will spend a fortune in balls and you won't really learn how to recover from bad shots when they happen and how to recover as in scoring as is possilbe.


  • muttsnutts69
    283 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 5:02 PM

    I like that advice thanks phiber.

    It makes a lot of sense, and Yes Andy, I was forgetting the fun element, and getting carried away with just thinking about playing top golf.

    Somewhat similar to the saying it's not about just getting there, but enjoy the journey along the way.

    One more question :- If I buy the R11 irons for 2995 credits, is there any point in holding onto my old G20's ?

    I have never understood why people would want to have more than one set of clubs.

    Putters - Yes, but not club sets.

    The resale value is 674 credits - a paltry figure, can't even buy 6 Nikes with that.

    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 9:15 PM

    If I buy the R11 irons for 2995 credits, is there any point in holding onto my old G20's ?


    Not really, but hang on to the G20's until your 100% satisfied with the R11's

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 1:37 AM


    Second problem is if I want to get to TL, then I have to complete 500 ranked rounds and keep my average to 60, so do I play 500 rounds and abort anything that will up my ave. That won't be any fun if I am competing in CC multi round tournies.

    We all have an off day, and anyway I don't like aborting any round.

    If I just play the 500 rounds (3 months or so I reckon ) and let my ave go up, then the task of getting it back down to 60 will be horrendously long and arduous.

    Excuse me, but there are a few mistakes in thinking, yet your attitude (underlined) is good.

    My 2 Pfennig: Don't ever quit a round for the sake of your tier-up, it's useless from the average POV and harmful from the experience and XP points POV. The only possible advantage may be to save some balls, but I doubt this - you'll need the experience, especially on the last holes which you omit by quitting.

    Looking at the final setting of Legend average for the tier-up: It must contain 500 prime scores resulting in a 60. All the other, lesser good scores will have been pushed out of the pool by then. Thus it's equal if you've posted these scores before or aborted them, except that the ave. may be temporarily higher.

    I also object to the thought of a "horrendously long and arduous way back down". Once the average is saturated with 500 rounds, what happens is not "equalizing a bad round with many good ones" but to simply push them out, one by one. Therefore the average will drop significantly shortly after saturating - imagine a 70 being replaced by a 60.

    Also, the game should not be only about tiering up but about fun, otherwise disappointment and frustration will hunt you.

    Hit it str8 m8!