WGT should offer custom golf gloves in the pro shop. They could have dots for "feel" and or "distance" to help your game. $$$ for WGT...
Good thought. Just don't make it 400 credits like the golf bag (and there's only 1 color and 2 shades).
I'd love to see the crimson pride avatar w/ a black glove, would be pretty sleek
TheDuckinator: WGT should offer custom golf gloves in the pro shop. They could have dots for "feel" and or "distance" to help your game. $$ for WGT...
WGT should offer custom golf gloves in the pro shop. They could have dots for "feel" and or "distance" to help your game. $$ for WGT...
good suggestion. Tho wouldn't be worth the 400 creds like the bag
If it actually did anything, it would be worth more than the bag.
Cost-benefit-durability might make better value an interesting call.
It would have to cost more then the bag if has attributes to it.
Great Idea there Duck, they could REALLY make a buck or two off of that if it didn't do anything but increase feel by a sliver or two!!