this goes back to the "chat thread" that i think u made or someone else. there's lots of programs out there that easily take screenshots and uploads them right to the internet. A popular one among me and my friend is called "vvcap" just google it. u take a screenshot and it uploads it as a link. all you have to do to access it is right click the little icon on the bottom of your taskbar and click on the link and the screenshot pops up.
it's alot of work.
say I want to document an 18 hole round scorecard and stats,
that's 1 screenshot for front 9 1 for back,
one for overall stats, one for driving, one for putting,
and one for approach&chipping, why all this work
if we could have a link to let us view all these whenever we want?
think of how long it takes to snapshot 6 different screenshots,
cropping &resizing them, and then uploading them,
versus clicking a "generate link" button, and pasting on post/blog.