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Re: Forgiveness

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Tue, Jan 1 2013 9:52 AM (8 replies)
  • jimoldfart
    131 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 9:11 AM

    I've reached a stonewall. I give up two to three shots per nine holes on slight mishits on putts in the 6 to 12 ft range. They burn the hole and stop 8 inches away and thumb their nose at me. Im tired of nice try or unlucky. Im Looking at the latest ghost that has increments similar to the Rossa I'm currently using, will the increase in forgivness(a 50% increase) help me with the slight mishits holding the line?

     I'll never hit the ding 100% but it is driving me crazy to miss it slightly and then watching the putt slide by. 2400 credits is a lot to spend on a putter, but if it is worth it I might sell the old lady and get one if it will help me. My question I guess is, is it worth it?

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 9:25 AM

    I've played with the Rossa since I was level 55. I recently got a little frustrated after a higher number of lipouts than usual and bought the best MAX putter for the extra forgiveness. I absolutely hated it. It seemed to me that the extra forgiveness is taken away by the increased precision. The MAX to me seemed much LESS forgiving than the Rossa because the mishits went exactly where they were hit (because of the precision). I tried the new one for about two weeks before retiring it to the never-to-be-used-again inventory and went back to the Rossa. I can't speak about the best Spider, cuz I've never used it, just sharing my experience with getting away from the trusty Rossa. I've been putting quite well (by my standards) since switching back. Lot of really good players still use the Rossa, my personal advice is to stick with it.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 9:29 AM

    That 92 Ghost is a ding putter and probably will disappoint you because of this. The balance of a putter is what helps it hold the line so take a look at one that has more than the 2 dots yours has. The 80 Max might be the ticket but GM has the experience with it-I never tried it. I use the 92 Ghost.

    If you're a miss to aim type putter, the more dots of forgiveness means you actually have to miss by a larger margin to get results and then you wind up losing distance. 

  • Timmytoastman
    569 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 9:34 AM

    Old Fart,

                     Your still going to miss putts regardless! If you have the credits to burn, get the new putter and try it out or rent it. I've found my Method putter very forgiving, but as of late have also experienced a ton of lip outs! Something a lot of people I talk to have the same problem with. GL

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 9:38 AM

    I went nuts on that last free rental weekend with all the Putters ,  Look at the Nike method .

    Or hold off and hope for a nother Free rental weekend .

    OPY   iaaRft

  • RKPayne
    213 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 11:11 PM


    I've reached a stonewall. I give up two to three shots per nine holes on slight mishits on putts in the 6 to 12 ft range. They burn the hole and stop 8 inches away and thumb their nose at me. Im tired of nice try or unlucky. Im Looking at the latest ghost that has increments similar to the Rossa I'm currently using, will the increase in forgivness(a 50% increase) help me with the slight mishits holding the line?

     I'll never hit the ding 100% but it is driving me crazy to miss it slightly and then watching the putt slide by. 2400 credits is a lot to spend on a putter, but if it is worth it I might sell the old lady and get one if it will help me. My question I guess is, is it worth it?


    I went all the way from Amature to Legend with the Tour Starter putter...I've tried about all others, and do better with this than putt stats are not the best, but not too bad either. I putt using reverse view and miss ding R or L. Never move the target unless a really very hard break. Works for me.

    Bob Payne


  • forcefan
    279 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 9:22 AM

    Two thoughts and one delusion come to mind:

    1. I experience bursts when it seems every putt drops no matter if I click the meter where I plan to or not. It's rather bizarre, but I appreciate the errors in my favor, so to speak. There are other days when putts read and stroked well simply will not fall. They sit on the edge of the cup hole after hole. This is terribly frustrating, but I try to take it as part of the game and keep the knowledge that putts will begin to fall again sometime soon. Putting is very much about confidence or lack thereof.

    2. Some putters are designed such that hitting the ding/near-ding is crucial. My style is that I attempt to ding all putts outside 4 feet. Short putts with some break I take the miss the ding approach and am successful with this style. I've used the lower level PING Redwood ZB Putter since forever. It works quite well as a miss the ding putter. 

    3. I play a variety of inexpensive balls, WGT through Srixon. And I swear that different balls roll better than others on different days. No, I don't drink alcohol or use other drugs recreationally. Delusions such as this one are accessible at any time under every condition. 8*)

    Good luck to you.


  • SeabrookFlash
    463 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 9:37 AM

    First of all, I would re-think selling the " Old Lady ".  Even that, probably won't improve your putting enough to be worthwhile.  I have been using the Level 92 Ghost Spyder putter for a long while now and it has improved my game by maybe 1-2 strokes a round.  Do I still miss putts? Sure I do. But its just part of the game. 

    From one old fart to another.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 9:52 AM

     I'll never hit the ding 100% but it is driving me crazy to miss it slightly and then watching the putt slide by.

    Personally I hate it more when I do hit the ding and the ball pass slightly...

    You have to decide to either go for low precision and be lucky, or more precision and sink those putts you do ding...

    Lot of forgiveness is only a benefit when you are trying to hit ding.