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Re: course choices

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Thu, Jan 3 2013 5:16 PM (2 replies)
  • MacNH
    35 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 5:05 PM

    I'm a somewhat of new Legend. I play against quite a few Tour Masters and Masters.  When they invite me to play, they have to play on my greens. I feel as though this gives me an unfair advantage. It may not be the case but it is the way it makes me feel sometime.

    Would it be too difficult to have greens be defaulted to the inviter? or maybe be an option. Mind you I'm not talking challenges or anything. I've never played them but I have friends that do wish we were playing on their greens once in a while.

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 9:23 AM

    When they invite me to play, they have to play on my greens. I feel as though this gives me an unfair advantage


    They also have the advantage that they are teeing off from closer tee box.

    IMO i think its good that they have the opportunity to play on faster greens.

    When I play T.Legends it is on Champ greens, so we have to COMPETE!


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jan 3 2013 5:16 PM

    If you are at TM or Master, I think its good that you need to learn the faster greens, as in no time you will be at the higher tier. When I was Master I tried to play as many A/S games on Tourny greens to learn and at TM I would often use my 3W off the tee to prepare for longer approaches (I avoided M/P against legends so I wouldn't get tiered up before I was ready).

    And at the end of the day, a TM or Master has an advantage with the shorter tees but often has the same or similar equipment