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Re: WGT - Behind the scenes

Sun, Jan 6 2013 12:30 PM (17 replies)
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  • ButchNohmer
    26 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 6:42 AM

    wgt needs to weed out these rip off surveys that are olny here to flood your email with spam and not deliver on the credits promised...what a joke 

  • randalski
    131 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 9:09 AM

    hey man;  don't shut the truth down;   lets have some more opinions !!

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 11:09 AM

    lets have some more opinions !!

    I would agree, but the truth be told is that WGT only pays lip service to us, their clients. I have been here for over two years and I have yet to see one of any of the thousands of bugs reported here on this site to be addressed, let alone fixed.

    Please correct me if I am wrong and tell me, show me, what bug had been fixed within the last year that we, the members of WGT have requested?

    Ball life still getting shorter? check, yep, you bet your ass.

    Out of bound ball rip off's?, check, yep, you bet your ass.

    Swing meter deviation? check, yep, you bet your ass.

    The list is endless. WGT still can not tell me what my best score is on any given course, that little slice of heaven has been messed up for over a year now.

    But who really cares, we have tru golf, un-even lies and golf bags now not to mention a putting meter that ain't worth a crap. All "free", kinda, sorta if you buy into that.

    Hey WGT, I'm just blowing off some steam because I am disappointed in you. Somehow I expected more from a community that I respect as a golfer. I, we, have higher standards than most. But I forgot, your a "business", unethical and locked in beta.

    Chad, shame on you! Does your mother know what your doing? I did not think so.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 11:27 AM

    Chad, shame on you! Does your mother know what your doing? I did not think so.

    Yes she does, he's just bought her a new

  • PDDispatcher
    59 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 11:41 AM

    I agree with these points.  I've noticed it too. Thought it was just me.  But, yes, ball life getting shorts?  DEFINITELY !!!  And the out of bounds thing seems to work along with the swing meter.  I've had more than one problem where my meter has "skipped".  Balls going all over the place.  That's one of the reasons I bought the Max Balls.  Slows it down but it hasn't really stopped it.  Someone mentioned to me that if there are a lot of players on and you're one of them, there are times when the meter skips.  I'm not the only one who's mentioned it.  Are they trying to cheat us?  Debatable.  But just working "magic" on the golf balls will sure make you a lot of more money.  But with the amount of players on here, I can't imagine it not having some problems.  

    1,189 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 12:02 PM

    Please correct me if I am wrong and tell me, show me, what bug had been fixed within the last year that we, the members of WGT have requested?


    Just off the top of my head, but I remember not being able to enter any tourneys with entry fees, cause there was a bug regarding "date of birth and country of origin". Fixed in 2 days.

    Oversized golf bags blocking views, fixed as well (as to my knowlege).

    Strange views on the new pins on CCC (mostly fixed) and the phantom 3rd pin on CCC No. 7 (completely fixed).

    Not being able to see the contents of your partner's/opponent's bag in multiplayer games, after the golf bags were introduced. Fixed as well.

    Like I said, these were just a few off the top of my head. Do you have a below average memory, or do you just like to complain in general?

    Ball life still getting shorter? check, yep, you bet your ass.


    Swing meter deviation? check, yep, you bet your ass.

    99% on your end, mate. It could be a number of things, from the OS and flash compatibility, choice of browser, etc. Answers can be found all over the forum, but if you decide not to follow good advice, it's on you.

    However, I'm leaning towards the idea that clearing caches etc. is a myth, cause I play a lot from a PC which has never had this done in 5 or 6 years of its existance, but I've never had a single issue using it, with either the meter skips or disconnections. But it's running on W XP, which outperforms all other OS' by a country mile, when it comes to WGT. Sucks for the rest of your computer needs though.

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 12:30 PM


    OK, your right! Simple band aids to simple problems that should have never existed in the first place ***. Hope you got a free sleeve of balls for your "insite".It's not my lack of memory that's in question here hole, but the lack of responsibility to do what's right on WGT's part to fix the real problems before applying band aids to warts. WE all know the real problems that have not been addressed and swept under the rug to give Chad his moms new house. Keep your head buried in the sand, your safe there until the tide comes in. And it's coming fool!



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