+1 to this request!!!
Also guys, if you want to get the next best thing at this point, please consider joining us for our community-organized tourney with Uneven Lies: Tough-It-Out II: The TransAtlantic Starter Clubs Uneven Open, starting this coming week. Sign up form is here.
Although you're competing on your own, we're playing in pairings (just like in a major championship, and in order to verify playing conditions), and it would be OK with us if you choose to share info with your playing partner about lies and shots.
We also played a version of this in our cc, that was Better Ball Pairs, a fantastic format where the 2 of us played together (with same starter equipment), and used the Chat box copiously, to describe the lies and shots (club and bs etc) as we played them. As we had someone covering our back, there was a lot less pressure, and it was only the best score on each hole that was put forward in the final reckoning. It was a great way to learn.
If there's much interest, I'd consider running a tourney like this in the community sometime in the near-future.