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Re: Powerbar issues

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jan 7 2013 1:14 PM (1 replies)
  • Weegiewan
    2 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 12:17 PM


    Used to love this game and spent hours here, but now every time I try to play the powerbar jerks so violently on the downswing as to make it unplayable.

    I've forfeited 3 games this evening already and am packing it in for the night because there is no fun in this for me or my opponents.

    I'm playing at Master level with a 72.7 average, so I've played enough to know what it should be like.

    I play on Chrome with Pepperflash plug-in disabled, and never used to have these problems. Is it the site, or is it me? Nothing has changed from my end, so am a bit stuck.

    Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated.




  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Jan 7 2013 1:14 PM

    I play on Chrome with Pepperflash plug-in disabled, and never used to have these problems. Is it the site, or is it me? Nothing has changed from my end, so am a bit stuck.

    Hello Weegieman, and welcome to the forums!

    You may, from time to time, experience some technical difficulties while playing WGT. A majority of these difficulties can be remedied by following some simple browser maintenance steps.

    First, try Clearing Your Cache

    Then, try Clearing Your Flash Cache

    I perform the second step more frequently than the 1st, but they are both known solutions to the problem I believe you are describing. Let us know how your troubleshooting goes :)


    Stay classy,
