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Re: Auto club selection

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 10 2013 10:57 AM (2 replies)
  • AliMartin
    44 Posts
    Wed, Jan 9 2013 12:29 PM

    I doubt if I am the only one that every now again forgets - especially when putting - to check which putter meter distance wgt have auto selected for me, and ended up using the wrong one.


    Would it be possible to have the option to opt out of wgt choosing a club?


    Am not asking for it to be done away with as am sure many find it useful - I would just like the option in my options menu to be able to turn this on or off.



  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 5:44 AM


    I doubt if I am the only one that every now again forgets - especially when putting - to check which putter meter distance wgt have auto selected for me, and ended up using the wrong one.


    Would it be possible to have the option to opt out of wgt choosing a club?


    Am not asking for it to be done away with as am sure many find it useful - I would just like the option in my options menu to be able to turn this on or off.

    If the game didn't choose a club you would have to choose on each shot. Just do that now. Ignore what the "caddie" chooses and click on your club choice, or putter scale every shot. I do it as part of my pre-shot routine so I don't get caught out with the wrong club selection. I putted way short or long enough times that I had to make a change for myself.

  • burtchie
    1 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 10:57 AM

    this game for club selection goes beyond putter for sucking

    it chooses my club tells me the distance it can go and when you hit the ball and score execellant you are either short or past the green

    this game needs alot of work