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Re: My imagination?

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 10 2013 7:35 AM (6 replies)
  • gerryniswonger
    1,890 Posts
    Wed, Jan 9 2013 4:51 PM

    I just turned legend several days ago and I knew that the courses would become longer when that happened.  I am sure that I will be able to make the adjustment.  But is it my imagination that even though the greens remain "Tournament", they also have some sort of difference?  (More break or a change of speed)  I haven't made more than 2 or 3 birdie putts in a round since the promotion and it hasn't had anything to do with the added length.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Wed, Jan 9 2013 4:54 PM

    Yes, the greens are a lil quicker. So with that said ball will tend to break a lil more. All you need it lil time to adjust, you will be fine.

    BTW, Big Congrats on making legend, well done.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Jan 9 2013 4:56 PM

    Hi Gerry and congrats for making the tips.

    Yes the greens at legend are slightly faster than that of TM tournament greens. So effectively there are 2 different tournamant greens, both of which can vary slightly day to day.

  • gerryniswonger
    1,890 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 6:48 AM

    Thx a lot to both of you! I've subtracted 10% and my putts are dropping again.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 7:22 AM

    Congrats gerry, enjoy the new views, oh, and could you show me how to make those putts.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 7:23 AM


    I've subtracted 10% and my putts are dropping again.

    From the numbers I have, about 4% would be more appropriate:

    130 % / 135 % of the putting scales.

    Alas, downhill you should expect "ridiculous speed" (tm Spaceballs).

    OTOH, what works that works, and the green speeds are apparently subject to day-to-day variation in the same range.

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 7:35 AM

    Congrats,on making Legend .    And yes there is a small difference in putting ,you will be ok .              GL     Frapp


    I just turned legend several days ago and I knew that the courses would become longer when that happened.  I am sure that I will be able to make the adjustment.  But is it my imagination that even though the greens remain "Tournament", they also have some sort of difference?  (More break or a change of speed)  I haven't made more than 2 or 3 birdie putts in a round since the promotion and it hasn't had anything to do with the added length.