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Re: How do I search the forum ?

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jan 11 2013 11:26 AM (11 replies)
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  • unclenewy
    334 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 10:33 AM

    If you really wanna search for a specific you can use Google as a substitute.

    Just open another tab and type into google....WGT and whatever phrase you're looking for.

    I've managed to find a few threads that I wanted to return to using this method.

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 11:26 AM

    Who can name me 1 forum (besides wgt) that goes without search ? Pizza ?

    MWAAAHAAAHAA, not 1 ? I thought so.

    Remember 1 thing about conspiracy theories: Lack of information is a great feeding ground.


    Or, the search function is broken and we are fervently trying to restore it. Choose whichever explanation you like.


    Stay classy,


    If that's true, then there is too much trying, not enough fixing.


    PS Just remembered.... they tried to fix the "golfbag appears wherever it wants to" bug as well. Same result.

    Don't try, FIX. Bug fixing takes way too long.

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