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Re: Upgrade Membership

Fri, Jan 11 2013 7:13 AM (4 replies)
  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 12:48 AM

    Ok, I think by now all but the most comatose of WGT employees will at least privately admit that the last update was a total disaster, at least PR wise. It would appear to little old me that WGT is in dire financial straights and needs cash fast, (and that some damned fool thought we would pay those prices is an even bigger insult).

    So you need cash, we all think that the prices of balls is out of all proportion either to reality or to the pro rata rate for clubs. If you need cash why not do what so many other online games do, upgradable memberships?

    e.g. Free membership - everything as it is.

    Bronze membership $50 per year - clubs priced as they are, balls half price.

    Silver membership $75 per year - clubs 50% balls 50%

    Gold membership $100 per year - green fees free, clubs 50% all balls free.


    Of course the exact benefits could be tweaked but the idea is simple and would probably attract more income than what is being attempted at the moment as many appear to be of the opinion that "At least Dick Turpin wore a mask!"


  • Cleworthy
    3,468 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 4:59 AM

    Interesting idea.  Might have merit in some form or fashion.  Some of the recent offers from WGT have been head scratchers - i.e. 500,000 credits for a custom avatar.  

    What would I want for $50 a year?  No green fees for pay to play courses, an exclusive HD course to play, a discount on the balls of my choice - say $3.00 for a sleeve of lvl 71 Nikes instead of $4.50.  This would be tempting.  C

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 5:41 AM

    Gold membership $100 per year - green fees free, clubs 50% all balls free.

    $100 gets you about 66 Nikes. I daresay that would cover a month or 3 and then WGT has zero income from you for the rest of the year. I don't think so.

  • alexgoolman
    16 Posts
    Fri, Jan 11 2013 7:13 AM

    HERE is the truth of the matter. WGT makes money  most their money when people buy credits. New people win credits other new people! Veterans and people that have played, and are good win credits off the newer people and other with less skill then them.  Knowing this means WGT has two things they are trying to accomplish. Attract more people to the game to buy more credits.  And get the Vets and BIG fish in the game to Shell out their winning? Fact Is, I have played now for almost 4 months. In the beginning I put in 50$. Upgrade clubs and buy some decent balls and that was it. Then I played hours and hours, picking my games and matches wisely and now have built a healthy bank of credits.  Since my first month I have not put a dime of my own money in.  Most skilled players in here are the same way! That why WGT puts these absurd and almost stupid bait products out their! One target in mind. The big fish in WGT that have consumed the bank of Credits and hoard them!  To us in the game credits is just currency among players to buy and enter tournaments.  When passed from player to player this give WGT very little profit. When passed from Player to WGT they make BIG $$$ because then people have the need for more credits either from buying them or winning them from another who bought them.  This is a point I made in another thread.. WGT model for credits is a such..

    10$ gets you 1000 credits,

    20$ gets you 2000 credits and so on

    Trick is there is no way to then pull the CASH value of your credits out!!! Plain and simple… this is why people at the top of the leader board you see each month hoard their credits!! Cause there is nothing worth the cash value to spend them on! Hence why you see Real golf trips being offered now and gift cards in the past. Desperation most likely to get those big bank of chips. IF they had a fare conversion system to cash your credits out for Cash or Gift Cards then top player would not hoard the chips.. they would Cash them out accordingly! This would make the game 10 time more addicting if you could cash them out for the actual value that you purchased them for. Players at the top would player for higher stakes and player at the bottom would realize they were actually playing to accomplish something!!! As it stand there is Nothing tangible for Low level and intermediate players to play for!!!!  What a new set of Virtual clubs? PLEASE WGT be smarter than that!!! I know in the beginning the game was just fun and a something to do, but there is a reason POKER online is so addicting and Fun. Because cash you put in, you can get out!!!!  Gives you a reason to PLAY, not just for entertainment, but for financial gain!!! IF you would incorporate this into the game You would see people join in the thousands!!!!