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Re: Just can’t fathom why

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jan 12 2013 12:10 PM (5 replies)
  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 6:13 AM

    they don’t make Legends play Legends and TMs play TMs and under 60-Average-Players play under 60-Average-Players etc. etc. etc. and at least give all other members A Chance to also compete on an equal basis so maybe Others can win a tourney once in a while instead of just hoping they might make the top 20 after the Legends have already posted their Winning scores for almost All of the CTTHs, Challenges, Sweeps and Stroke-play Tourneys, Every Week and Every Month? :)  However, I’m not suggesting to do away with the current ‘Tournaments’ format’.  It’s fine, that’s the way it is and that’s the only choice we have and if people enjoy getting slaughtered by the Top 1% skilled players week in and week out and Never winning a Tourney; then have at it and knock yourselves out!  LOL 

    Only started playing the CTTHs in December since it’s almost impossible to find 18-hole ALT matches anymore unless you belong to a CC?  But maybe I’m the only One who doesn’t think the [current Tournaments’ format] is fair for the vast majority of players and perhaps I’m supposed to enjoy never having a remote chance of ever winning a tourney?  Which is one reason why I never pay to enter a tourney but please feel free to chime in though if I’m not the only “one” who thinks there could be an alternative “Tournaments’ format” which would be much more fair for many more members? :)  I don’t see the fun in getting slaughtered.  Do ‘you’?  Isn’t that why there are tiers; so that you can search for players with comparable Skills and Averages and Equipment if you want to?  If so, then why can’t they ALSO have the same number of tournaments geared exclusively for players to play other players with comparable skills and averages and equipment?  Isn’t that the essence of ‘fairness’? ;)  Anyway it’s only a suggestion.

  • saltiresfan
    2,266 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 7:30 AM

    Whereas legends like CTTH cos you can't get sandbagged by someone avoiding tiering up.

    I think there are some tiered CTTH comps though.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 7:53 AM

    Totally understand how you feel, given up playing tourneys when people are shooting 59's for 18 holes, thats some golf...........unaided??

  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 9:32 AM


    Totally understand how you feel, given up playing tourneys when people are shooting 59's for 18 holes, thats some golf...........unaided??

    Appreciated; thanks. :)  "59s?"

    try 53s and 54s and 18 consecutive birdies etc.  LOL

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 11:29 AM


    they don’t make Legends play Legends and TMs play TMs and under 60-Average-Players play under 60-Average-Players etc. etc. etc. and at least give all other members A Chance to also compete on an equal basis so maybe Others can win a tourney once in a while instead of just hoping they might make the top 20 after the Legends have already posted their Winning scores for almost All of the CTTHs, Challenges, Sweeps and Stroke-play Tourneys, Every Week and Every Month? :)  However, I’m not suggesting to do away with the current ‘Tournaments’ format’.  It’s fine, that’s the way it is and that’s the only choice we have and if people enjoy getting slaughtered by the Top 1% skilled players week in and week out and Never winning a Tourney; then have at it and knock yourselves out!  LOL 

    Only started playing the CTTHs in December since it’s almost impossible to find 18-hole ALT matches anymore unless you belong to a CC?  But maybe I’m the only One who doesn’t think the [current Tournaments’ format] is fair for the vast majority of players and perhaps I’m supposed to enjoy never having a remote chance of ever winning a tourney?  Which is one reason why I never pay to enter a tourney but please feel free to chime in though if I’m not the only “one” who thinks there could be an alternative “Tournaments’ format” which would be much more fair for many more members? :)  I don’t see the fun in getting slaughtered.  Do ‘you’?  Isn’t that why there are tiers; so that you can search for players with comparable Skills and Averages and Equipment if you want to?  If so, then why can’t they ALSO have the same number of tournaments geared exclusively for players to play other players with comparable skills and averages and equipment?  Isn’t that the essence of ‘fairness’? ;)  Anyway it’s only a suggestion.

    Being beaten by better players is always fair. You just need to practice and play more like the players who win everything. WGT has a lot of tier based Tournaments. If you're getting killed in your tier, it's all you. I don't think WGT needs to have special low self-esteem Tourneys.

  • Braidan1218
    101 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 12:10 PM

    I completely agree with you Oldstir, which is why I don't enter paid tourneys and only the ones that are random draw for prizes.

    No way will I shoot low enough to even be close to top 50 so I play solo or the odd AS.  I will upgrade my equipment eventually, but I honestly feel that the tourneys and the majority of this game is for the higher players with the best equipment and balls.

    I don't need people chiming in with "practice, practice practice" these are the same people who will complain about the sandbaggers with the advantage of closer tees.

    Anyways, OS if you'd like you can add me and we can play some friendly rounds at some point.