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Re: fed up with abusive comments

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jan 13 2013 6:03 AM (6 replies)
  • necromancer99
    4 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 9:08 AM

    am i the only one or is this more widespread...?i am at pro tier level 53  fairly normal  but my avg dropped to 60.00 when i reached pro,my normal scores were around 34/35 per 9 hole then i hit a couple of 32`s and fluked a 30 because i was getting use to the`s ,then i hit pro and my avg dropped to 60,i only play blitz now so my avg is the same,but im fed up with players ive never even played before leaving nasty and abusive messages on my profile not a cheat or sandbagger just a player who likes blitz....why do these guys feel the need 2 abuse other players who mind their own buisness and just like playing the game,i have payed for all my gear and get through balls like all do,how does this make me a cheat.....?

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 10:54 AM


    if someone does this again, please report them to with screenshots so we can take a look. we do not tolerate abuse.


  • necromancer99
    4 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 11:08 AM

    should it really have to come to that,this time ive gone through the players cc to sort it out but im more interested in how big a problem this is,my easy solution is to play a few ranked games and watch my avg. drop but why should i be forced into this when im not harming anybody spending my time playing blitz/alt.shot which is what i enjoy.....

    383 Posts
    Sat, Jan 12 2013 3:04 PM

    Hi, i am really  sorry my  kid did what  he did. I've been out of town on business and had no idea this happened until i  went to check my e-mail. Again i am sorry and i will take care of it.

    5,835 Posts
    Sun, Jan 13 2013 12:21 AM

    should it really have to come to that

    Yeah, unfortunately the more common it is known that screenshots are taken the more likely hood of preventing it.

    Quite easy to do with Vista/Win7 and Snipping Tool included

    However, I also noticed when I started WGT the players with all the abuse were under master  tier, I think once they develop themselves in the gsame and actually accumulate good friendships they tend to 'mature'.

    get into a country club and friend a lot of members and you wont have to put up with random players and their abuse.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jan 13 2013 4:05 AM

    i only play blitz now so my avg is the same,
    This apparently causes your troubles. I don't judge on you here but ppl do on the courses, without justification as you say but they do it nevertheless.

    As far as I can see, you played one score as a Pro, said 30 in a CC tournament with the same Amateur conditions as before, translating to an average of 60.

    FWIW, a 60 ave. is suspicious for a Pro as well as 68.2 (apparently your last Amateur ave.) is in that tier. You play A/S, too, and I can imagine what ppl see.

    Thus, my advice is to hit a few ranked stroke play games, then you'll show a more accurate picture of your skills.

    You might want to play a few more until you become Tour Pro - same tees, better image ;)

  • necromancer99
    4 Posts
    Sun, Jan 13 2013 6:03 AM

    I agree the best way to clear this up is to play some more ranked stroke play games,my point was that i should`nt have to,i have no wish to further my tier or advance into cclubs again as i really prefer just to play blitz and occasionally alt.shot and i don`t need to be a master or in a cc to do this.i don`t think my avg as amateur was anything unordinary,i played st.georges[not st.andys] which is a 35 par and after many practice games finished 1 under....not exactly a mighty score,hence my 68  amateur avg.and the final games were more luck than skill...and thats how i got a 60.avg .any monkey can ,with enough practice achieve reasonable scores on the same coarse.....especially once the entry level clevelands/r11 are unlocked.....but advice is noted....thx guys