Play Bethpage Black back 9 in practice mode with low wind settings..
Bash your ball up and down the f/way with each club and listen for the "thump" as it lands, do this with full back spin and without and you will have a better idea of your yardages..
Do the same in pitch/flop and punch mode with your wedges, all you are interested in is the "carry/landing/thump" distance of each, rollout will depend on the landing speed/slope etc of the green and that is something you can make notes for future reference, then when you go into an actual game, if you have written everything down, you will be more accurate and confident :-)
You are allowed max 10 shots per hole and 10/11 and 12 are relatively flat, so when you have finished at 12, restart at 10, repeat process until satisfied..
Oh yes and add 2-4 yards for tee shots, depending what your club/ball combo is..
Hope this helps..