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Re: I want to fire my caddy

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jan 17 2013 10:54 AM (6 replies)
  • jeffmatulich
    482 Posts
    Wed, Jan 16 2013 9:54 AM

    I am almost certain that my caddy is hanging out doing cannonballs with Carl in the maintenance shed before every round - that or huffin' glue.  He is killin me on the greens.....I'll have a 12 foot 5in downhiller and he hands be a 25 foot club....Seems its happening more and more as I've advanced through to Master.  Cant tell you how many times I've trustingly gauged my putt and whacked it by the hole 20ft.   I know, I know I should have a pre shot routine that checks this every time (just like on approaches) - but in the heat of it all I sometimes over look it when on the greens  especially when the selection would be so obvious.  I mean why the hell would he give me a 25ft club for a 8-9ft power shot.  And what is up with handing me a 100ft club when I am just on the fringe.  Whats that all about?

    Anyway would be great to have a feature to turn auto caddy OFF.   Make me choose a club for every shot.

    Sorry if this has already been requested.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 12:23 AM

    Whats that all about?

    Anyway would be great to have a feature to turn auto caddy OFF.

    Yes it has been requested umpteen times.

    Alas, the caddy is an old bloke, grandfather-in-law of the CEO, member of the unions and employed for 50+ years. Thus he's unsackable despite frequent rumours of stimulant abuse.

    => you must check it on every shot!

  • Timbo1984
    818 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 12:58 AM



    Alas, the caddy is an old bloke, grandfather-in-law of the CEO, member of the unions and employed for 50+ years. Thus he's unsackable despite frequent rumours of stimulant abuse.



    The default 90 foot putter setting on the fringe is for me the most annoying feature.

    But alosso is right, check every shot and it's setting before hand.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 9:39 AM
    This post has been deleted.
  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 10:03 AM

    What gets me even worse is a lost ball caused by the caddy giving me a 285 yd driver on a 240 yard par 3 (like BPB #3 from the champ tees) when I have a 240 yd 3W in the bag.  Get involved in an AS game chat, or get my pre-shot check interrupted by the dogs or the wife....and whoosh driver puts one in the trees!  Lost ball.

  • ElSidMo
    40 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 10:27 AM

    I think a Quick *** Siap to the Caddies mug will wake him up!!! Remember trust in Kowalski the caddy could put you on another fairway !!!   lol

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Thu, Jan 17 2013 10:54 AM

    I have done that at #3 at Olympic as well. They hand you a driver & if you forget to club down, bye bye ball.