I think I've seen enough various "chat lobby" suggestions that I won't suggest it again, but here are some ideas for those of us in more casual CCs that don't have a non-wgt hosted chat/vent room that might make our CCs feel more like a community.
1) It would be nice if players that are both on your friends list and in the same Country Club would have some sort of flag when you look at your friends list ... either something next to their name or changing the font color of their name
2) "Friend Add All" button on the main page of your CC
3) Add a "CC Members" tab between "Friends" and "Invites"
Same functionality as the Friends tab, but pull from the CC members instead of the Friends list
PS. From WGTAlex's sticky post ... "For the official (public) list of features coming up in future releases,
please check out this post: http://www.wgt.com/forums/t/5038.aspx"
That's a dead link -
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