Thanks to all who took the time to respond to my suggestions that I submitted to the WGT, and I'm sure I will be getting more. The overwhelming response was to the part that suggested a less than 90 second clock used in all types of multi-player games. Those responses were honestly not what I expected. YOUR responses were factual, probably correct and did indeed make an impression on me. While ALL your reactions to the 90 second clock were valid, they all made me feel like I had the brain of an amoeba. I can take constructive criticism with the best, but in most cases it felt like a personal attack as if to say.....shorten the time, are you crazy?, what about if this happens or that happens. ALL very valid points, which I considered when I jotted down the suggestion. It is now quite obvious that when the community does not like something or someone, they make no bones about it.
It was like the other suggestions never were written. And that's didn't interest the community. I got two(2) responses to all the others, quite favorable I might add.
I now know why the WGT wanted me to post the "Suggestions". It wanted to get a reaction from the community as to good or bad, and to embarrass me. I shall not go into why, but I do know it is a fact. All I was trying to do was help. Obviously the WGT does NOT want any suggestions, unless it can bring in lots of revenue, and no suggestions at all from ME. So I shant be making anymore suggestions for improving the WGT, I'll just be quiet, play my golf, and behave myself.
To all who responded, thank you for taking the time. "Hope I see you soon, in the short grass"......................Steve