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Re: Moderators... Censorship and Cheezenuts

rated by 0 users
Mon, Mar 6 2017 12:52 PM (18 replies)
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  • brianusa
    187 Posts
    Thu, Jan 31 2013 3:32 PM

    And yet you're still not being moderated, in spite of persistently breaking one of the major rules of the forums

    I did NOT identify any particular account or country club (in this thread).  In fact _some_ of the cheezenut accounts that exist on the system way well be unrelated.  As I'm not capable of searching for accounts using wild cards, it is impossible to tell how many accounts may exist and/or how many of them originate from the same cheater's den.



  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Jan 31 2013 3:35 PM

    I have and they don't do their jobs of investigating or looking into anything.  Here is their stock response:

    Thanks for emailing our support department. So, did you provide the supporting material requested from you? If so, what did they say in response? WGT is not going to launch an investigation unless there is proof of your claim.

    In any case, reports of cheaters do not belong on the forums - in any capacity. That is something that will be moderated/removed from the forums. All reports of abuse/cheating must only be emailed to our support department. Please read the posting guidelines if you have any further questions.

    I was hopeful that forum moderators in addition to moderation also engage in and follow up on reports of "a potential instance of cheating".

    I'm sorry that you were confused. Now that you know that moderators are not involved with these types of reports, I hope you will continue on the appropriate medium.


    Stay classy,


    1,189 Posts
    Thu, Jan 31 2013 3:50 PM

    In fact _some_ of the cheezenut accounts that exist on the system may well be unrelated

    Even more reason why you shouldn't post 2 thirds of their name in a thread and call them cheaters. If I remember correctly, leaving clear clues that lead to a player's account (if you're calling him out) is not allowed as well.

    I understand your frustration when it comes to dealing with pond scum, I'm just saying that this (perhaps unfortunately) isn't the correct way to do it. We each have our own ways of dealing with "those guys", for example your blogs are within the rules. All you can do is to report them via email, then it's out of your hands (hard to accept that sometimes, but that's life for ya).

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Jan 31 2013 3:51 PM


    In fact _some_ of the cheezenut accounts that exist on the system may well be unrelated

    Even more reason why you shouldn't post 2 thirds of their name in a thread and call them cheaters. If I remember correctly, leaving clear clues that lead to a player's account (if you're calling him out) is not allowed as well.

    I understand your frustration when it comes to dealing with pond scum, I'm just saying that this (perhaps unfortunately) isn't the correct way to do it. We each have our own ways of dealing with "those guys", for example your blogs are within the rules. All you can do is to report them via email, then it's out of your hands (hard to accept that sometimes, but that's life for ya).

    Well said. Thank you, Puholino.


    Stay classy,


  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Jan 31 2013 8:08 PM

    And yet you're still not being moderated, in spite of persistently breaking one of the major rules of the forums (well, they should all be major anyway, that's why they exist) by calling out players in the open forums. I'd consider myself lucky.


    Just like the cat in the box!  wink :)

  • pistonbroke1957
    174 Posts
    Sun, Mar 5 2017 11:34 AM

    I'm finding that the number of hits per ball is drastically reducing. 

    Started a9 hole alternate shot game today with a brand new 450 credit Nike

    And by the 9th hole it was in the red and 2 shots later it was gone !

    Normally they last for several rounds.

    Please explain

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Mon, Mar 6 2017 8:58 AM

    Poor form hijacking a thread.

    Very poor form to hijack a thread from 2013.



    The number of hits per ball has not changed.

  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Mon, Mar 6 2017 12:06 PM

    Just the quality of user

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Mar 6 2017 12:52 PM

    Don't be too strict.

    He's under beginner's moderation and probably has not found where he can open his own thread - it's limited to those users, and very often, they have to append to an existing thread.

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