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Which Wedge to buy

rated by 0 users
Fri, Feb 1 2013 6:55 AM (0 replies)
  • esty26
    425 Posts
    Fri, Feb 1 2013 6:55 AM

    Am looking at upgrading wedges. Looking for feedback on anyone who has used different ones. Here are the ones I'm looking at....

    695 credits the Level 64 ATV - 7 precision, 5 forgiveness, 7 spin.

    895 credits the level 50 Max - 7 precision, 5 forgiveness, 10 spin.

    1195 credits the level 86 ATV - 8 precision, 7 forgiveness, 8 spin. (plus slightly slower meter)

    Am inclined to wait for the 86 ATV mainly for increased forgiveness, would appreciate feedback from anyone who has used a couple different wedges and their experience. By the time I get to level 86 I should be able to find enough surveys to have the 1200 credits so don't mind waiting.
