In real golf, tournys you are not allowed gps, for distance wind meters for wind speed and direction, or anything that measures elevation
that would separate the men from the boys
Joshnosh: In real golf, tournys you are not allowed gps, for distance wind meters for wind speed and direction, or anything that measures elevation that would separate the men from the boys
Thanks for the suggestion
Stay classy,
Ok then how are we suppose to know the wind than..Just guess? That doesnt make any sense. Were not standing on the course and able to feel how strong the wind is .
Exactly how would you go about deciphering any of those parameters from a photograph, if they were not provided? 24ft elevation looks no different than say 40ft. There is no wind in your hair, nor is the moisture of the green apparent.
its just a thought maybe they could have moving flags the greens would still have the grid