The Cleveland CG16 64° Wedge (L80+) is rated 60yds and has the highest spin and precision.
The type of shot you would use out of a bunker depends heavily on the lie %, the level of the ball with respect to the green, the green speed, and the slope of the green. It is possible to hit a pitch shot from 15-20%, or even 30-40%, but this shot is not advisable if the ball lies below the green or if green slopes downward as the ball is unlikely to stop quickly. A flop shot often has the greatest stopping power from green-side bunkers. Using the Cleveland 64° or 60° wedges, I usually add 3-5yds from 15-20 and 10yds from 30-40 on full-spin flop shots. I would not recommend using any club rated longer than 60° to flop out of a bunker, and would instead advise to play a punch shot with full backspin, compensating similar distance for 15-20 and 30-40 lies as you would with a flop-shot. Full shots can also be played with any wedge or short iron from lies below and including 30-40%.