I don't have much money but I love to play on this site. I am disbled now and remember what it was like to play. But I have a major beef. I can see if you hit a ball the water that it s gone. But I was just paying St Anthony and I hit it just off the fairway into a bush that was fairly small. I would have found it very easily. BUT YOU CALLED IT LOST BALL. That WGT is incredibly RUDE. Lost balls should not be taken. It shocked me so much because it was so wrong. The rules involving lost balls should be REEVALUEATED. I do so like this game, the best on the internet, but stop and be fair as to what to charge and when.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My biggest shock was finding out the balls wear within a couple of rounds..... drove me right back to the free ball for good.
The thing that baffles me is once I picked up two sleeves of exactly the same ball in two different colours, and when I used up one sleeve it wouldn't use the same ball of a different colour.
I guess this is one case where colour matters.......
How about the lost ball you can see and it results in a 2 shot penalty plus costs you a ball. Suddenly I am shooting my 3rd shot off the tee. in normal play do you not get at least the distance of where it was last seen such as going out of bounds? Just seems like a pretty drastic penalty especially when you play a course with 30 mph cross winds
On A ball out of bounds. The penalty is stroke and distance. A lot of clubs allow people to drop where it went OB to speed up play, but the rule is hit it ob drop another where your at . 1 out 2 in, hitting 3.