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Re: level 77 Nike Method putter

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Tue, Feb 5 2013 10:04 AM (3 replies)
  • bneyla1
    143 Posts
    Mon, Feb 4 2013 5:14 PM

    Hi guys, I currently use the level 51 Nike Method and I love it. I just got to level 77 and saw that I can upgrade to this one, is it worth it? I am used to the method therefore do not want to learn a new putter, so this change made sense to me, but for 1,700 credits will I even notice a difference?

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Mon, Feb 4 2013 7:23 PM
    I have had both and will say it depends on whose money you are spending whether or not it is worth it to get the level 77. Any difference is negligible, you might get that 100 foot putt a foot closer and the 1/2 dot of precision may make a difference at some point somewhere, but not all that often. The 77 is better, but only if you have money or credits to burn would I suggest it is worth it.
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Feb 4 2013 7:50 PM

    Basically ^^^^ won't get it and go WOW, I just think on faster greens the precision is worth it alone but......(shrugs)

  • bneyla1
    143 Posts
    Tue, Feb 5 2013 10:04 AM

    well I get all my credits from surveys, so whats 10 more surveys for a slight edge! Thanks guys