[...] is his/her name. When you click on his/her name and it goes to the profile, your computer crashes. The only way to remove a person from your club/group of friends is to go into their profile - so thats out.
Is there any other way to remove a troublesome person from your friends list?
This player has too many friends for the program, >6000, and a dreadfully long gallery of pictures in his blog (1).
Looking up his profile you need a lot of patience (>10 min for me).
In some configurations it shows up completely, then "remove friend" is possible.
In some configs it's not, then tell WGT through the comm window below and hope for the best.
(1) Edit: I counted 120 pics of 30 MBs, and that seemed to be about 25% of the contents.
While I don't want to insult anybody without proof, I'd guess that there might be some possible copyright infringements included.