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Re: CC invitation

rated by 0 users
Wed, Feb 6 2013 10:11 AM (4 replies)
  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 6:48 AM


    How does an invitation to a CC work which was issued to the player by the owner?

    The FAQ is quite unspecific:

    You can also invite people to join your club by visiting their profile and clicking the INVITE TO COUNTRY CLUB button. They'll receive notification of your wish for them to join your club, and once they accept, you'll have a new member!

    I invited a guy to my CC a few days ago and he has been showing as "pending" ever since.

    Does it appear as an "invite" besides the friends list on the left?

    Is it issued by mail?

    Will the "pending" disappear once it was ignored for some time or declined?

  • SamanthaWho
    3,403 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 7:32 AM

    The invite box on the persons profile will show orange for a CC invite. It will no longer show  pending, if its declined.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 8:09 AM

    Thank you!

    A very quick and thorough answer!


    There's only one doubt:

    When I took responsibility of the CC there were dozens of pending users in the list, more than I could imagine to be undecided. I deleted them manually.

    What might be the reason?

    Any experiences of that kind?

  • SamanthaWho
    3,403 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 9:36 AM

    When we first started our CC, Peace Haven, we were an off shoot of another club that was splitting up. Lots of members from the original club got invites from both the new ones. Even when they accepted from one, the invite from the other would show pending.

    So they will still show pending even though an invitee has joined or is in another club.

    Make sense from that? lol

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 10:11 AM

    I can only guess - the usual kind of iWperfeGTion?


    I guess that the invites worked towards membership?