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Re: Tier upgrades

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Thu, Feb 7 2013 8:45 AM (4 replies)
  • spudj
    8 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 12:19 PM

    I don't think It's fair when your upgraded and have to purchase new clubs without having the opportunity to find if they suit your type of play. I have just been upgraded to Master and while I am managing with the clubs in my bag I feel I could perhapsdo a little better and play to the standard of Master or better With a better selection in my bag. Players like myself will be cautious to purchase costlier clubs without a free trial period. I do believe If  player is upgraded and given the chance to try clubs for a certain time whether It be hours or days free of charge he will be more inclined to find clubs that will not only better his game but give more confidence. WGT would also be on the winning side financialy I'm sure.

  • fgonzales510
    350 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 3:27 PM

    They already solved this problem by allowing you to have the option of renting the clubs first before you by them bro. That's your trial period right there. If you don't like them or they don't fit your style then you don't have to by them. Of course, it takes more then just clubs to better your game like the choice of balls and most importantly: a steady hand and PRACTICE. Good-luck and best regards on your W.G.T journey my forum friend.




  • Woogmoog
    45 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 3:47 PM

    I'm tour master now, almost legend, but I don't get your point. I didn't notice any changes when I became master actually I didn't feel much difference, but when I became tour master the only difference was that the greens are always turny greens. 

    About clubs you said. If you already have your set and you are used to them, check the features they have and try to find another one with the benefits you want. For example: I want to buy the R11 irons when I'll be level 90, and I already checked that the meter speed is fast, even like that I want them because the precision and spin is unique, what I'm doing? I bought the Ping i15 because the meter speed is the same, just to be practicing with them before get the R11 and don't have a surprise about the speed. 

    Concluding, choose a club is always based on your game, I'm sure the clubs you have you like them and if you want to change you are going to go for something close to what you have now. I'm sorry to say this but after level 80 it's just fast stuff. 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 9:01 PM

    Each club has a pretty good description of it's attributes in the Pro Shop. There are no BAD clubs.

  • cpatterson22
    257 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 8:45 AM

    i agree fully that once you rent a club then buy it, the price you rented it for should be taken out of the price you're buying it for (up to a certain point, say after 30 days then it's gone and if you buy it you lose the rental fee)


    but you can pretty easily climb up to master tier at least on starter clubs alone tbh