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Re: Is My Video Card Running Out of Gas?

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jul 12 2010 8:37 PM (22 replies)
  • Tresclub
    934 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2010 4:44 PM

    Just finished a 4-player match, and didn't notice any graphics stutter at all.  No hic-cups in the meter... yet.  As he crosses his fingers, and knocks on wood.  Had my display set on 1024x768.  Gonna go try it with 1280x960.

    Only disappointment I have seen thus far... there was no "" included.


    EDIT:  Couple of things.  My monitor is a 17" Sylvania F93.  The game does not like displays 1280xanything.  With 1280, the game screen is only about 3/4 wide sitting in the middle of the screen.  However, it loves the new 1152x864


  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2010 8:08 PM

    This one may have been a better bang for the buck Tres, but you should be good to go now.

  • Tresclub
    934 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2010 8:37 PM

    Thanks Richard.
