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Re: Bethpage Full 18 Ready Go with Uneven Lies

rated by 0 users
Sat, Feb 9 2013 8:54 PM (2 replies)
  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 6:13 PM

    Here's a tip WGT...

    If you want players to play these regularly, try not to have the WTF mode on so high.

    Hole number 1, center fairway, back left pin...

    Approach shot lie is flat, with the black grid, dots not moving at all.

    119 to pin, 3 mph wind at the 6 o'clock, hit 120 touch of top, just as I would every other day, ball lands at 111 and roughly 7 yards to the right of aim point.  

    Hole number 2, center fairway, back pin...

    Severe slope left on fairway, aimed 5-6 yards off green to right side to compensate for slope.  Dinged, ball takes flight, ball lands in left bunker from 106 out, that is a 43 yard variation in aim point difference.  

    27 to the pin from bunker, 10%-15% lie, slight up-slope to green, hit 40 to compensate, ball lands with 11 yards carry, 2 yards roll.


    That's as far as I was willing to go, even though I was -1 after 1 hole....

    Before you present this to the community in a Ready-Go format, you need to work out the bugs(still).  Yes, those shots are bugs.  I say this, because in no way is that "realistic" or "similar" to what golf is unless you are a duff player.

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 7:44 PM

    Hey you played my first hole I missed the 25 ft putt though, I was looking at the lack of dots and 120 yardage licking my chops, I almost dinged into left bunker, mine went straight left.

    The rest of the round was weird the lies did not effect me much, the putting was plain stupid. On approach I was aiming for crazy and was not getting much line effect, distance yes.

    Played the best of one next not knowing it was uneven as there was no sign I could see, quite sneaky there.

    From what I seen it has been toned down a little, but I do not understand how the putting could be so different from hole to hole..

    Went from minus 3 to plus 2, back to minus 5 at BPB all putting errors.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 8:54 PM

    That 2nd Fairway is ridiculous.  Land on Fairway right hand side and you basically have to take the aim off the screen to get near the pin.
