Playing in tourney, have my first ace on hole #2 at Congressional!
Much whoopin & a hollerin and well chuffed, (straight at the pin, two little hops and straight in).
Little award shield flies onto screen to register my feat and I carry on with my game, (which incidentally goes to pot after the ace)!
Last green, putter draws back to hole a 4" putt for a par and the box comes on screen to say time for tourney has expired & score will not count!
Not only that... It's not registered my frikkin ACE!!!!!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr not annoyed much!
Instead of having a pop-up on the screen saying 'times up' tough luck, how about one 2 minutes from the clock run out time, or something that gives you a clue that your game is about to end?!!?
Your thoughts would be appreciated.
Kindest regards