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Re: On Screen "Tournament Ending Soon" Warning.

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Wed, Feb 13 2013 5:30 AM (9 replies)
  • Phippsy1908
    30 Posts
    Tue, Feb 12 2013 6:10 AM

    Playing in tourney, have my first ace on hole #2 at Congressional!

    Much whoopin & a hollerin and well chuffed, (straight at the pin, two little hops and straight in).

    Little award shield flies onto screen to register my feat and I carry on with my game, (which incidentally goes to pot after the ace)!

    Last green, putter draws back to hole a 4" putt for a par and the box comes on screen to say time for tourney has expired & score will not count!

    Not only that... It's not registered my frikkin ACE!!!!!

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrr not annoyed much!

    Instead of having a pop-up on the screen saying 'times up' tough luck, how about one 2 minutes from the clock run out time, or something that gives you a clue that your game is about to end?!!?

    Your thoughts would be appreciated.
    Kindest regards
  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Tue, Feb 12 2013 10:01 AM

    This has been brought up MANY times in the past. It seems as though nothing will change. Best to check the end time before teeing off.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Tue, Feb 12 2013 12:23 PM

    It sucks but you know the restrictions before you start.   It's sort of like being out at the local tennis courts about 15 till midnight trying to get in that last game before the auto lights go out.  Sometimes you finish and sometimes you get hit in the head with a tennis ball when the light go out and you are charging the net.

  • jeffc46221
    621 Posts
    Tue, Feb 12 2013 12:28 PM


    Playing in tourney, have my first ace on hole #2 at Congressional!

    Much whoopin & a hollerin and well chuffed, (straight at the pin, two little hops and straight in).

    Little award shield flies onto screen to register my feat and I carry on with my game, (which incidentally goes to pot after the ace)!

    Last green, putter draws back to hole a 4" putt for a par and the box comes on screen to say time for tourney has expired & score will not count!

    Not only that... It's not registered my frikkin ACE!!!!!

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrr not annoyed much!

    Instead of having a pop-up on the screen saying 'times up' tough luck, how about one 2 minutes from the clock run out time, or something that gives you a clue that your game is about to end?!!?

    Your thoughts would be appreciated.
    Kindest regards

    With all due respect i dont see the problem here. We know how much time we have to play tournies and if we dont its nobodys fault but our own. If you know that you only have a day to finish a tourney than make sure you do it not try and squeeze it in in the last 30 mins. Sorry again not being rude but own fault dont need wgt to babysit us. 


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Tue, Feb 12 2013 1:08 PM

    ^^^ I disagree, it isn't hard to program in a little pop up that says when you enter a tourney the time is such and such.

    It is no different to when you try to buy stuff in the Pro Shop with insufficient credits.

    I enter oodles of tournaments and am more focused on the merits of the tourney and making decisions about whether to enter or not, rather than worrying what time is left.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Feb 12 2013 3:01 PM

    ^^^ I disagree, it isn't hard to program in a little pop up that says when you enter a tourney the time is such and such.
    This exists where it matters.

    The official tourneys of WGT end on Sunday 11:59 pm PST or on the months' last day 11:59 pm PST - not difficult to observe, no extra advice necessary.

    Tourneys with variable ending, that is CC tournaments and RGs, show their remaining time when selected in the game client. Not a pop up but a veritable (1) countdown, well enough visible.

    (1) except for the bug that they have now, displaying 8 - 9 hours less than accurate.

  • jeffc46221
    621 Posts
    Tue, Feb 12 2013 4:50 PM


    ^^^ I disagree, it isn't hard to program in a little pop up that says when you enter a tourney the time is such and such.

    It is no different to when you try to buy stuff in the Pro Shop with insufficient credits.

    I enter oodles of tournaments and am more focused on the merits of the tourney and making decisions about whether to enter or not, rather than worrying what time is left.

    i stand at i dont feel every little aspect of the game has to be done for me .  Yes the bug that is going on now sucks cus two different timers are shown( game client/webpage) . 

  • Udo1
    123 Posts
    Tue, Feb 12 2013 10:51 PM

    I had the problem myself a couple of times. It's pretty obvious when you enter a single tournament, but it isn't obvious at all when entering multi round tournaments, how long a single round lasts. I know that you can find it out if you start the game thru the tournamens menu, but in my opinion that's not the normal way.

    So any timer showing the remaining time would be appreciated.

  • truly2bad2play
    104 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 5:12 AM

    I had same thing happen to me on Monday morning..

    I knew that my side of the pond the tour ended at about 8am..and I had started the tour at about 7am.

    i was watching a movie at the same time and taking my shot every now and then...I made the mistake of letting the time go over..but that I accept as my bad.

    What I did not like was that when I played hole 9 I accepted the challenge for the H.I.O paid the 10credits and took my shot

    Dinged the shot and was very confident of at least making within the first circle if not better.

    It was at this point the box popped up as soon as I hit the ding,saying that the tour was over..It did not count my shot for the H.I.O challenge..but happily kept my 10 credits..It was a good round..77.43 I was at before taking the final shot on #9..but that aside..don't think it was right to take the 10credits,or even offer the challenge when ultimately game over as soon as I hit the ding.

    This was the Wk6 c.t.t.h challenge btw.

    P.S...Am 2nd currently in the Wk7 at not too unhappy anymore lol.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 5:30 AM

    Time check is only after the last shot is hit. Time may be over long before.

    As a side effect you know if a putt on the last green has gone in: a short delay before it starts to roll (or fly if it's from outside).