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Re: *** Announcement: WGTPizza is no longer with us ***

Sun, Jul 21 2013 7:11 PM (112 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Jul 21 2013 5:57 PM

    WGTPizza   who   ?

    You prolly got your mind too much on large mammaries to have kept up.

  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Sun, Jul 21 2013 6:18 PM



    I had a open questionnaire with Pizza.  Remember the 10 individuals selected to have a open video Q/A with MisterWGT?  I was selected as one of those individuals, but have not heard anything back about a time and date.  

    Is this still a ongoing project?

    If so, is Chad going to directly message us?


    Second, I have yet to hear back about my complaint that I filed through WGTpizza, (regarding WGTicon).  Except that it was no longer in his hands, and that it was being addressed...  Any official word on this?

    I ask in here because none of my last 4 private messages to you were being responded to. I assume it was directed to you not to respond, as per proper procedural with incident reporting should be.  


    Please feel free to message me regarding these matters, 


    I am not sure about the chat thing, but complaints about me should be directed to so they can be passed to my supervisor.


    I did exactly that several times. Didn't do a bit of good. You were and still are totally classless.