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Re: master

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Sun, Feb 17 2013 2:38 PM (18 replies)
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  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sun, Feb 17 2013 9:59 AM

    Playing since '09 and a L92 Master? Looks like the systen finally found you.

    1,189 Posts
    Sun, Feb 17 2013 11:37 AM


    Playing since '09 and a L92 Master? Looks like the systen finally found you.

    With all due respect, you're way off with this comment. Just check his profile and it will become clear. The system actually failed miserably here. And here's why:

    - the fact this person has been playing for 4 years and is ONLY at L92, means he wasn't playing constantly, some people have reached L90 in under 6 months and without level-up boosts.

    - if you check his scoring history, his equipment and his non existent MP record, you'll find we're talking about a guy who's playing for fun and is basically unable to score very well even from mediuom tees. Not everyone is good at this game, but some of them are still able to enjoy playing (unless they're forced in a tier they don't belong to). This person has over 1000 ranked rounds (presumably at least 500 as a TP) and still his best 40 rounds weren't breaking 67, until a 28 (+1) on a par 3 course (obviously a practice round which counted as a ranked 56 due to a bug) pushed him in a tier he should never belong in.

    This is a rare case of someone, who should've been left alone to play from medium tees (and struggle scoring par from them) for as long as he chooses, instead he's been placed on tees that are well out of his skill reach on account of a bug.

    And then he comes to the forum to express his legitimate gripe, only to be called a bagger? I agree, a lot of people that complain have fully deserved what happened to them, but this isn't the case here.


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sun, Feb 17 2013 12:07 PM

    I agree PUH, it took me a year and half from TP to TM. I am really that bad. No bagging or holding back. I never took a penny from anyone. Play for fun only. Those who make the tips from Hack to Legend in record time get exactly what they deserve. The system can bite the honest folks at times.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Feb 17 2013 12:09 PM

    With all due respect, you're way off with this comment. Just check his profile and it will become clear. The system actually failed miserably here.

    i Totally agree in this instance that the system has failed the OP. He clearly is a social player who has played a lot of RR and plays A/S

    And can WGT explain why there have been instances of players playing the Par 3 Course and having this count as a Ranked Round as it is only in practice mode? Without this score the OPs score history is poor - he clearly will not play well at the new tier which will leave the OP 3 choices:

    • Upgrade clubs and still play badly (after 1700 RR the chances of a rapid improvement is slim)
    • Quit
    • Re-start

    In this case I feel sorry for the OP  but if he needs any tips to improve his game, just ask me for a game and I can try and help - just make sure it isnt MP or the Par 3 course lol.

    1,189 Posts
    Sun, Feb 17 2013 12:16 PM

    And can WGT explain why there have been instances of players playing the Par 3 Course and having this count as a Ranked Round as it is only in practice mode?


    Icon has been informed of this a few days back and has already replied (in this thread) that they're looking into it, but yet unable to recreate it, thus unable to find out why it happens and how to fix it. I'm sure they'll be able to correct it soon.

    P.S.: Icon asked for help in this thread, so if anyone wants to try to find out under what conditions this happens, please do, I'll try a few different versions myself, but for now the only 2 cases I've seen came from a multiplayer stroke round.

    1,189 Posts
    Sun, Feb 17 2013 1:24 PM

    now I going to have to buy a $16 dollor driver to keep up  sence I am push back  

     No need, it's in your bag (only $15 though) ;-)

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Sun, Feb 17 2013 2:10 PM

    For 1500 credits you can get a spell checker, a grammar checker, and a 3rd grade diploma.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Feb 17 2013 2:18 PM

    I agree P

    Cerino: I never expected such a faux pas from you.


    This person has over 1000 ranked rounds (presumably at least 500 as a TP) and still his best 40 rounds weren't breaking 67, until a 28 (+1) on a par 3 course (obviously a practice round which counted as a ranked 56 due to a bug) pushed him in a tier he should never belong in.

    This is a rare case of someone, who should've been left alone to play from medium tees (and struggle scoring par from them) for as long as he chooses, instead he's been placed on tees that are well out of his skill reach on account of a bug.

    This is true but not the whole story.

    From the 200 rounds shown, the average was 70.08 excluding the last round.

    This last round of 27 punches the average by .6, but nowhere close to Master.

    OTOH, there are no MP games, no tournaments promising any credit wins. Therefore I asked for Blitz and Skin challenges as a possible source of that further average drop by 3.4(!) points (last TP ave. env. 66.9).

    I don't see where he lost that much of his average!

    1,189 Posts
    Sun, Feb 17 2013 2:38 PM


    ]This is true but not the whole story.

    From the 200 rounds shown, the average was 70.08 excluding the last round.

    This last round of 27 punches the average by .6, but nowhere close to Master

     Who knows what the avg for his best 25 rounds at TP tier (I messed up when I wrote 40 before), it's not necessary his best 25 were shot in the last 200, he probably played at least 200 rounds (most likely even more) as a TP before those shown in his score history. So for all we know, he could've been sitting on a 67,4 for the past year. I'm sure it was that 28 that moved him.

    And skins and blitz challenges don't do squat to one's average, which I find to be very unfortunate.

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