I love to play with my buddies and it would be great if there were an option for no time limits between shots. You could play 18 holes witha friend over the course of a day and not get timed out for inactivity.
the problem is 2 fgld... one if you have connection for such a long time, then you will likely disconnect, encounter memory leaks, and many other things.
I think 90 seconds is plenty to make a shot.
I think you're missing the point. Yes 90 seconds is sufficient to make a shot IF YOU WANT TO, however if you want to just stroll around the course, have a chat with your friends, admire the scenery, slug a beer, then of course it isn't, and as this is 'virtual' golf it isn't as if you're holding up play.
In single player mode, there is no limit to the time taken I frequently get half way through a round and have to go bath and change my daughter and put her to bed, this can take WAY over an hour. No problems I come back and my avatar is still standing there ready.
In multi player games so long as all players agree to unlimited time ( and yes an hour might be a little extreme :) ) I see no problem.