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Re: Mishits on greenside grass banks

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Wed, Mar 13 2013 2:25 PM (18 replies)
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  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Mar 11 2013 3:07 PM

    (Edit: Quote included as reference)

    Do me a favor and check out my two most rescent replays.  [...] Both flopped.  Both hit with good power and proper clubs. 
    Excuse me - I disagree - not much "proper" there. Please understand that I'm not mocking you. It's the honest effort to teach you something.

    The scene is KIA #9, that nasty plateau green. The approach ended short.

    1st shot from FW, 11 yds out with green at about 5 yds.

    The pitch of 3 yds was hit with one of the irons - PW hopefully? Which power? 35%?

    Rule 3 (*) of pitches says, take the shortest possible club and throttle as little as possible. For 11 yds, I have a 64° LW capable of 18 yds - one of your Ping wedges would certainly suit better than this PW.


    2nd shot from 9 yds (FW) with green at about 4 yds. Chip length 2 yds with a Tour-W wedge.

    A chip will fly 20% of the desired length and should land on fringe or green, certainly not good here. This is an awkward shot, granted, even as a proper pitch or flop, because it must be throttled to about 60 %.

    In both cases I'd prefer a wee extra power to make sure that the ball is on the green. Then a two-putt may not save par but bogey.


    (*) Addendum:

    Rule 1: Don't trust the caddy.

    Rule 2: Chose your shot wisely, respecting their limits on rough and fairway.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Mar 11 2013 5:26 PM

    Excuse me - I disagree - not much "proper" there. Please understand that I'm not mocking you. It's the honest effort to teach you something.

    In both cases I'd prefer a wee extra power to make sure that the ball is on the green. Then a two-putt may not save par but bogey.


    Definitely not interested in learning about playing for bogey or par there. Thanks anyway, I'd rather go for the pitch in.  :-)



  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Mar 11 2013 7:15 PM

    I'd rather go for the pitch in.  :-)

    ^^^ lol

    What made you give the advice on maybe getting a bogey from there as if it would be an ok result ?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Mar 11 2013 11:45 PM

    Definitely not interested in learning about playing for bogey or par there. Thanks anyway, I'd rather go for the pitch in.  :-)
    My answer was meant for the Pro presenting the replays and playing Pings and WGT balls, not for a seasoned Legend with high class equipment ;) He may be lucky happy to save bogey in the first place.

    (in fact, I didn't see your answer when I replied)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Mar 12 2013 12:44 AM

    At the OP'slevel first priority must be to try to save par and the best way is to ensure he gets the ball on the green.

    I will not argue any of the advice as it is good, but one other option from where he was is the flop. This can be useful for this distance but for his wedges will be a matter of practice.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Mar 12 2013 5:57 AM

    My answer was meant for the Pro presenting the replays

    Thank you for that, Alosso. My apologies for misunderstanding your intent.  ;-)

  • nolongerlonger
    2,813 Posts
    Tue, Mar 12 2013 5:52 PM

    Guys. . . .Thanks for the above good advise and suggestions which was very much appreciated.  It seems that I was hung up @ 72+ average and just could not break the 72.  Always had one or two boggies or double boggies per round because of these midhits around the greens.   Then read and studied your advise and went back out and shot a 36, shot a 34, and shot a 33 in successive rounds. Only pars and birds. Used the flop shot instead of the chip and pitch and now I get it. Must have gotten some good advise from someone.  I realize there are still situations for the other shots but I now feel as if I have put another club in my bag. Thanks again guys - - to each of you!!


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2013 5:47 AM

    Then read and studied your advise and went back out and shot a 36, shot a 34, and shot a 33 in successive rounds.

    Excellent! Now do yourself a real favor and take your "new" game to the courses with trees on them. Once you get over the fear of recovering from bad approaches you become a stronger golfer and you just showed that. GL.  :-)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2013 2:25 PM

    I realize there are still situations for the other shots but I now feel as if I have put another club in my bag

    Well done on the scoring. All three types of shots have their place depending on lies and elevations etc and you will learn quickly which shot is best for the situation.

    When I started I played St Andrews and Kiawah as these were the easiest (and I had starters kit) but do play all courses as this will give you the full education of how to play this great game. Don't get overly concerned with your average as this drops over time and the last thing you want is to get tiered up to early if your game isn't ready.

    One other shot that I never played (until I made Master) was the punch from fairways. This gives you 2 full shots for each club so try this out if you don't use it already.

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