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Re: CTTH Question

rated by 0 users
Mon, Feb 25 2013 8:34 PM (3 replies)
  • Slammer23
    420 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 4:43 PM

    Okay, I play a lot of these, mainly to quickly get in my play for the day; also to experiment with new ideas from time to time. One thing has been bothering me, and it's stupid, but I'm sure someone has figured it out. I know it's somethin simple I'm just missing.

    On the scorecard, where your total score for each hole is given, some of the scores have a white box around them. What's that all about? It's not always my best holes, although it seems like a lot of them are sub-10 feet. But not all. And there's sometimes 2, 3, maybe even 4 of them; not sure about that, though.

    Anyone satisfy this for me?

    Thanks, Slammer23

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 11:48 PM

    some of the scores have a white box around them.


    That is the closest you've been on that hole.

  • Slammer23
    420 Posts
    Sun, Feb 24 2013 10:49 PM

    Huh. You mean, for every time I've played it as a CTTH? Okay, makes sense. Thanks.


  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 8:34 PM

    Huh. You mean, for every time I've played it as a CTTH?

    Not only that, but the distance registers even if you don't complete the round...just like losing ball life or lose a ball from your inventory (OB or lost) happens even if you don't finish. 
