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Re: Mulligan

Mon, Feb 25 2013 7:19 AM (3 replies)
  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 5:20 AM

    I would like the option of a Mulligan in single practice mode, for the simple reason to try out another shot under the exact same conditions.

    It would help me enormously in understanding the game and economically cant be bad for WGT, because you would use more ball in say a simple 9 hole practice game


    If i would practice in real golf i am not waiting till a next round for trying a shot again when i am not happy with it. Its the essence of practice to chose different shot solutions under the same conditions

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 5:27 AM

     the simple reason to try out another shot under the exact same conditions.

    But they wouldn't be. The variation would be different for both shots so I don't really think that this would help.

  • craigswan
    32,330 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 5:44 AM

    A guy goes golfing with his girlfriend. As he tees off, she steps into ladies' teebox and gets hit in the head with his drive. She is pronounced D.O.A. and taken to the morgue.

    The coroner calls him in and says, "She definitely died from a blow to the head caused by the golf ball. But the only thing we can't understand is why was there a golf ball in her rectum?"

    "Oh," he replies, "that must have been my mulligan

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 7:19 AM

    But they wouldn't be. The variation would be different for both shots so I don't really think that this would help.

    How would the conditions not be the same.  Your sitting at lets say 130 yards on a hole with tailwind blowing left to right at 9 mph and you are10 ft below the hole on tournament greens.  You pull out a 130 yard club and hit it, but then hit the mulligan button, go back to same exact location you were just at with EXACT same conditions and this time instead you try a punch shot or some other club, or more or less back spin.

    I am not understanding how the external conditions would not be the same and how this couldn't help. The variations of the shot would be different for sure, but thats the poiunt, trying different shots.You could try two totally different shots within on set of conditions to get an idea of what kinds of shots you like best. Would be great around green. You could do a pitch or chip than try a flop or whatever.

    I don't see how it wouldn't be beneficial. People do it in real golf all the time. I think its a great idea.