Why is it nearly evertime i finish a game,i comeback n line and it tells me i forfieted a game when i did not?Makes me angry.
Look on the Forum pages, i'm sure there has these issues bought up----->
logiemac: Why is it nearly evertime i finish a game,i comeback n line and it tells me i forfieted a game when i did not?Makes me angry.
A well known bug if you do not exit the game properly - do not X out. Good news it does not have an effect on stats
alanti: A well known bug if you do not exit the game properly - do not X out. Good news it does not have an effect on stats
Click on "Main Menu" after you've looked at the scorecard and the stats instead of just closing the game client.
it's a messaging bug. it has no effect on anything. we are hoping to have it fixed soon.