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Re: Country Club Owners Tools

rated by 0 users
Thu, Feb 28 2013 11:01 AM (1 replies)
  • Gordtgr
    49 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 9:50 AM


    I have a couple suggestions for tools that would help out the owners of CC's

    1. and this may be the harder one of the two suggestions.  Is Change the DATE format in the game from MONTH / DAY / YEAR to YEAR / MONTH / DAY.  The reason being is when you sort the players by Date joined or Last date played the list will actually sort properly.  as it stands now when you sort by Last Date Played and scroll down the list, it did not all sort correctly.  This would be a tremendous help to identify the inactive players to remove them from the club.

    2.  In the owners tools section is it possible to have be able to look at a list of player in the country club and be able to sort them as on the main screen but on this section be able to select multiple players by putting a checkmark in a selection box and then be able to REMOVE them from the Country Club as a group.  Going in Removing people that are inactive one at a time and having to wait for the page to reload each time then scrolling or sorting the list AGAIN takes up allot of time that I would rather use to play.

    3. Being the owner of a CC I am the person that can come in and approve new members and conduct maintenance.  Is it possible for the owner to appoint a VP of the Country Club so that 2 people could go in and conduct maintenance.  It would be nice to appoint a second in command with some limited additional privileges in the CC.


    Anyway...  that is my comments



    Canadian Prairie Greens CC

  • KevinFleenor
    1,455 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 11:01 AM

    Here's a list compiled from other CC improvement threads...


    Popular County Club Improvement Suggestions

    - Increased owners tools:

    • Ability to rename / edit options of created tourneys (nothing like having a 7 day mistake tourney sit around) or simply deleting a tournament that was made incorrectly.
    • Ability to create tier based tourneys for single tiers or multiple tiers.
    • Ability for owners to delegate optional owners priviledges to club delagates/officers.
    • Easier member rankings from members list. 
    • Ability to select multiple members for options such as messages and club removal.
    • Ability to change CClub image.
    • Ability to create "sponsored" free to enter credit/gift tournaments.(owner or members can create a "pot" for members to play and win without entrance fee)
    • Club ownership exchange seems to have bugs where some tools disappear.
    • Ability to format text in Club emails.
    • Make a Country Club "Wall"

    - CC Forum suggestions:

    • Forum Categories (like wgt categories) perhaps 3 "sections" 
    • Ability for owners (and officers/delegates) to receive emails on ANY new Forum posts.
    • Ability to merge an existing post into an existing thread.