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Re: How does WGT monitor New Accounts

Wed, Jul 16 2014 2:04 PM (78 replies)
  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Sun, Mar 3 2013 3:09 PM

    A VEM is a Virtual Ethernet Module

    Sorry to correct you, Pipeman; but VEM (in this context) stands for Virtual Equipment Model and is registered at the US Patent Office under WGT. This VEM is not a VEM data plane; nor is it a VSM control plane.

    Read the patent and you'll have a vague understanding of how it works as it relates to this game. Interesting read for any of my fellow software engineers out there.

    BTW - WGT will not comment on whether or not they have implemented it during games: but we ALL know they have.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 9:10 AM


    And, to answer your question of "WHY"'s called "smart marketing" to increase "revenues"!  It's really that SIMPLE!

    I don't see how screwing your customers and making them go away can be called smart marketing.

    Everyone has bad days, good shots that go way off line, balls rolling directly over the hole, wind that has no effect, clubs hitting way short or long, the list is endless.

    These things happen regardless of whether you dug into your own pocket for credits or spent weeks doing surveys and watching videos.   My credits are mostly from my bank account but quite a few came from offers, surveys and videos.   When I buy new balls how does anyone, me included, know whether I'm currently using bought or freely earned credits?  To suggest that people who earn their credits are having their games messed with is ludicrous.

    Shares in tin foil hat manufacturers must be going through the roof right now.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Nov 28 2013 9:08 PM


    I have to go with your opinion on why would they screw with us and endanger losing accounts.The computer program is very precise and every shot and adjustment probably repeats with near accuracy.Unlike us human players,there is noway we can repeat any shot etc with any where near the accuracy or consistancy as the computer.Realistically the reason the ball didnt go where you thought or wanted it to go is because you were a little bit off.Thats all it takes and when most people blame the meter or wgt I blame my finger for not clicking where my brain wanted it to.I find it amusing to hear all the blame and conspiracies that they complain about and seriously would never admit it was their fault.This game requires almost inhuman accuracy.Lots and lots of game play (practice) is the only way to prove my point.Hope i get it someday .And soon lol.

    ^^The party is over m8t, even the band has packed up, drunk up and fooked off  :))

    ( where do you find these threads and what were you looking for ? )


  • willemadriaan
    304 Posts
    Thu, Nov 28 2013 9:09 PM

    Very well said,PRACTISE make perfect,.thats that.Happy golfing ,make it fun,Cheers,

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Thu, Nov 28 2013 9:26 PM


    ^^The party is over m8t, even the band has packed up, drunk up and fooked off  :))

    ( where do you find these threads and what were you looking for ? )


  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Wed, Jul 16 2014 2:04 PM

    If they multi their way to legend at lvl 60, chances are that they won't be able to compete against the upper echelon.  Gear matters.  Other than the mid 40s R1 driver, equipment of that level won't allow you to run with the big dogs.