An example of the in-accurate breaks we're faced with daily and is the reason for WGT to implement this idea, as It would benefit us all.
We all know there's certain breaks which looking at in putter reverse view it might show FLAT, but If we change to chip view that FLAT break actually shows a steep left to right break in chip view. We all know chip view shows a truer break in Cabo, Whstler & Kiawah, and also on most of the other courses too. The reason i hope WGT implement this idea as it would save time and every player has the option to double check, not only the ones who know to look through chip view.
Having had wind not effecting my approach on RSG #7, i landed 4 yards right of pin. looking through putter view It showed a mostly flat break with slight left to right, nothing special. having changed to chip view to double check i was stunned to find the "Usual" challenge we're faced with, instead of chip view showing similar break to putter view which was minimal left to right It showed a slightly more severe RIGHT TO LEFT break which was 4 squares worth. Usually in these situations you have to ignore what your instinct shows you to be true which Is relying with putter view and go with what chip view showed to be true and aim RIGHT of pin, although seeming extremely strange as when you're back in putter view putting it seems FLAT apart from the slightest few lines of left to right break which would make you aim slightly left side of cup. WHat do you trust?? Do you go with the break in chip view which is different to putter view. MOST of the time i would have TRUSTED CHIP VIEW, but today for some reason i decided to just aim at hole and see what happens. OF COURSE, the ball when hit went right following what the chip view was giving me and NOT PUTTER VIEW.
This is true on most holes where chip & putter is different, which seems very strange as Its putter we rely on to putt with and is the most important factor of the game. What did WGT do, get the 2 mixed up. Any way, A SOLUTION.: In chip view you are allowed to move the aim marker around and the putting grid moves with the aim marker, so you can get a more accurate reading of whats left or right. The boxes are FIXED in putter view and cant be moved. Would It be possible rather than have to change to chip view allow us to click a button somewhere whilst we're in reverse putting view and we get that same aim marker as we do in chip view and able to move the putting grid just like chip view to be able to read the breaks more accurately, then re-click the button to get grid fixed again to take the putt. Yes, you might say "just keep using chip view" but wouldn't it be easier if we could do it in putter view with putter in hand, and It would give the players who dont know to look in chip view a better understanding of the break in front of them. Especially in 30 second timer matches