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Re: Week 10, 9 hole unlimited play!!

Wed, Mar 6 2013 7:27 AM (16 replies)
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  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 11:48 PM

    These 54 credits put it to the right perspective IMHO. His demeanour shows that he doesn't know the conditions - imagine his surprise in the near future when he will become a Pro regardless, soon. Add that his MP records are clean AFAIS - this guy's not a danger to any other player.

    Mind you, anybody is entitled to open a new account. Only multiaccounting may be regarded as cheating against WGT's rules.

    He even bought his own equipment - a multi would get it as a gift from another "mate".

    Case closed for me...


    Yet there are some puzzling numbers. This avatar has 1619 ranked rounds and only 210 putts in his record. OTOH, his "Bottom of the cup 18" award count is 1610 which is the number of 18 hole rounds with 24 or less putts. 1610x18 = 28980 holes played on these rounds and we know from the hole stats that he played many to the max. - with only 210 putts to share with the fabulous 9 hole rounds?

    My conclusion of this is that the "Bottom of the cup" award counts up even when "the bottom of the cup" has not been hit.

    "Waiter! A hair in the soup!" *chuckles*

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 12:07 AM

    Look at that players score history, in the February 9 hole unlimited he was playing that same tourney 15 times EVERY day and getting the EXACT same score 178 every time. I thought the most you could score in a 9 hole round was 90 i.e. 9 x 10?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 12:23 AM

    Take another look: It's the 18 hole tourney.

    <conspiracy mode ON>

    Perhaps this is a script playing which can't putt yet?


  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 12:39 AM


    Take another look: It's the 18 hole tourney.

    <conspiracy mode ON>

    Perhaps this is a script playing which can't putt yet?


    Ok thanks my bad, still the EXACT same score EVERY time?

    Sounds about as legit as an OJ Simpson defence!


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 12:56 AM

    It's just the maximum score on a Par 70 course. +6 on every hole is 70+108.

    1,189 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 1:15 AM


    These 54 credits put it to the right perspective IMHO. His demeanour shows that he doesn't know the conditions - imagine his surprise in the near future when he will become a Pro regardless, soon. Add that his MP records are clean AFAIS - this guy's not a danger to any other player.

    That's one patient dude! We'll see if he truly is no threat to others, when he reaches pro and the tiered RGs start. Although, I agree with others who said that the 28 from hack tees and with that gear really isn't a sign of skill.

  • Joshnosh
    548 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 7:27 AM

    its very obvious what hes done, hes got a macro that hit a shot  over n over that never goes more than a few yards, for the quickest way to finish a round 178 exp points plus the 400 tourny 18 hole, u can tell by his driving acuracy.

    Though the point i dont see any reason if he had enough creds to buy all the best stuff would have been easier to buy level up boosts shame there isnt a time stamp on the rounds, then it would be easy to see if a bot was used

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