Crap, worst physics of any golf game. Which golf game has the good physics?
One where you can shoot better than a 48 for your first 9 hole round? lol Go play TW, it's a hell of alot easier than this.
BubbaCrusher007: Crap, worst physics of any golf game. Which golf game has the good physics? One where you can shoot better than a 48 for your first 9 hole round? lol Go play TW, it's a hell of alot easier than this.
Where you do think he works??? About this time every year just after WGT introduces the U.S. open course we get players who come in play 1 round if they even play at all and start trashing the game. Makes one think!
EA sports must think we are stupid not to catch on!!!
bubbadork:It's easy to quit for good. I've done it 43 times, now.
Haha sooooo true, im approaching my 100th quit.........mind the anger management course was helpful i now throw sponges as they dont break much lol.
Where is the "Quit" award?
As a mark of respect to the OP, please try and stay on topic folks.
He came, he saw bad physics, he crapped and he left.
It's got to be a win win :)
Ok then *chuckles*: Where's the "Crap" award?
Honestly, the respect to the OP and his subject was duly expressed in the first five answers, more than enough in this case, IMNSHO.
Doh! Ok then *chuckles* Where's The 'Airhead Award'?
Thread's done, stick a fork in it IMNSHO. Happy kayaking. Honestly.
nutsaboutkayaks: Worst physics of any golf game I have ever played! See ya!
Worst physics of any golf game I have ever played! See ya!
This is a browser flash game, your not playing on your XBox. Its more about the people and competition, not about cutting edge graphics and dead on simulation.
Off you go back to Eunachs Annonymous, sorry EA sports!!