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Re: Spiraling average.

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Wed, Mar 6 2013 4:26 PM (8 replies)
  • Timbo1984
    818 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 1:18 AM

    So it started I think on Friday. 

    I have had the odd decent round here or there, but what is getting me a little confused is why my average is dropping for no reason and so quickly too.

    My average was 62.71 and I shot a 29 so it dropped as expected to 62.69.

    Then I shot a 33 and it dropped again to 62.64...

    A so so 32 after that saw me go to 62.61 and then I shot another 29 which saw me at 62.6.

    I have just finished a woeful Ready Go and shot a 33 and now I am at 62.59.

    Why is my average dropping when I'm scoring badly and it's even dropping more so when I score badly than when I score well. I just think if it carries on this way it will become a false representation of my actual skill level, because in all honesty...I'm really not that good. lol


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 1:37 AM

    Congratulations - you reached the magic number! The 29 apparently was your 500th Legend round!

    Right now, you are kicking old bad rounds from the calculation, causing some mighty drops.

    62.69 - 62.64 is 0.05, at least .04, times 500 is 20 - got rid of something like 43/86 42/83(?) (*)

    Enjoy the steep ride, it will end soon enough :)

    (*) 62.69 + 20 = 83 score, adjactant nine hole scores 41/42.

    (edit for the underlined details)

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 4:02 AM

    Congratulations - you reached the magic number!

    Yup, same happened'll stop taking so big chunks off at around 61. as all the really bad scores have been pushed out already but 29's and 30's will still take off .02 and .01 respectively.

    Get ready for the GLASS greens in 2 weeks, you're on a slippery slope OR you soon WILL be... :-))


  • Timbo1984
    818 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 4:12 AM

    Ah...Makes sense.

    Thanks for that alosso :)



    Get ready for the GLASS greens in 2 weeks, you're on a slippery slope OR you soon WILL be... :-))


    lol Andy, lets hope not that soon.

    Thanks again for the info lads.



  • 100plus
    801 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 4:18 AM

    I would record the # of ranked rounds you have now,as speaking from experience once you get down to 60.06/07 or so a 29 will no longer lower your average ,but if you shoot 3 29,s consecutively you may drop 1/100.

  • terbal
    286 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 4:21 AM

    my ave makes no sense. i shot a 56 yesterday in a ranked round at olympic and dropped by .02 only. this is daft. ill be dead before i make tl. i can beat most tl's beginning to lose heart.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 4:34 AM

    I assume that your average is saturated.

    .02 * 500 = 10, but there may some rounding hidden behind it.

    You just stripped about 10 (7 - 13) shots, perhaps a 33/66 round.

    And yes, it's quite a journey. Your average translates to 31,180 strokes in the 500 games counting, and you goal is set to 30,000 (500 * 60). The excess of 1,180 shots means a lot of rounds - let them be fun!

    Edit: some numbers corrected to American writing.

  • terbal
    286 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 3:56 PM

    thx for that i wish i could understand it lol


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 4:26 PM

    Excuse me, I used some periods which should have been commata - corrected.

    The saturated Legend average is the sum of 500 (18 hole) scores, divided by 500.

    Take the average, multiply by 500, you will get the sum of scores. 62.36 (average) x 500 (rounds) = 31,180 total shots.

    Your average moved by .02 as a result of a change in that number. 62.38 (old average) x 500 = 31,190. Let's ignore the variance (7 - 13) caused by rounding the average from three digits to two.

    31,190 - 31,180 = 10 => There's an obvious 10 stroke difference in the total number. Thus the new 56 score should have replaced a 66 score from the past, or a 33 in nine holes.

    Your goal is an average of 60.000 => 60 x 500 = 30,000 shots. By replacement of higher scores as explained above, you'll have to strip off 31,180 - 30,000 = 1,180 shots.