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Re: The cheating thing..

rated by 0 users
Wed, Mar 6 2013 3:09 PM (5 replies)
  • Scott2mee
    281 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 1:04 PM

    I've been looking around the WGT for cheaters.. Laugh out loud.. Ever since the other night when I looked at the community spot light and saw a level 15 player with a 60.15 average.. In the community spot light.. Can you believe that.. Since then I think I've found some others but I can't be sure.. One thing I've noticed is most of them are very giving people.. When you look at their recent activity they send a lot of really nice gifts..To bad it didn't say who they were sending these nice items to.. Probably to the same person.. I can't do anything about it except laugh and never play in any tournaments for credits unless I'm on the top of the game.. At least then when your playing against tour legends their profiles actually say tour legend not tour pro..

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 1:35 PM


    I've been looking around the WGT for cheaters.. Laugh out loud.. Ever since the other night when I looked at the community spot light and saw a level 15 player with a 60.15 average.. In the community spot light.. Can you believe that.. Since then I think I've found some others but I can't be sure.. One thing I've noticed is most of them are very giving people.. When you look at their recent activity they send a lot of really nice gifts..To bad it didn't say who they were sending these nice items to.. Probably to the same person.. I can't do anything about it except laugh and never play in any tournaments for credits unless I'm on the top of the game.. At least then when your playing against tour legends their profiles actually say tour legend not tour pro..

    You can do something about it since you're using up your own time anyway. Take screen shots of funny activity and any other suspicions you have and E MAIL them to WGT. You just can't make a case on the message boards against anyone.

    I  can't understand why so few understand this. Instead of the boohoo drama-rama on a daily basis just contact WGT directly.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 1:48 PM


    You can do something about it since you're using up your own time anyway. Take screen shots of funny activity and any other suspicions you have and E MAIL them to WGT. You just can't make a case on the message boards against anyone.

    I  can't understand why so few understand this. Instead of the boohoo drama-rama on a daily basis just contact WGT directly.

    +1 - Its the only way currently to do it

    And people boohoo because its so frustrating to see these players crop up time and time again. More awareness by the community may result in more detective work and reports.

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 2:03 PM


    This is our game and our community and our house ,,  We all need to help keep the place on order .

    And I will also add that they ( WGT ) do listen ,  I know of a multi account that was closed just yesterday ,

    Do your part , Stand up and be counted .


  • borntobesting
    9,775 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 2:29 PM

    Too many of us just to complain about here and expect some one else to do it for them. Remember too that WGT is not going to divulge what action they took.Just because Icon doesn't post we banned XXX because he had mutiple accounts does't mean they didn't ban XXX.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 3:09 PM

    Born is right, there is a lot of activity that WGT will not air in public.

    The selling of credits at a discount into a pay pal account came up a few weeks ago and I know that WGT acted upon it, since a friend of mine was suspended for a week or so.  In his case I don't think he realized he was violating the rules or if he did he pretended not to know, I would have not known what he did was against WGT rules.

    That has gone on since the beginning of WGT I'm pretty sure, but with the changes in the ELITE collection, I think people have gone to the selling methods.  I have seen several years ago players offer to play match play matches for credits and if you lose they gift you balls so it isn't anything new just a new approach.

    I also agree that we need to police things ourselves.  With millions of members, WGT can't find everyone that is doing things wrong.  I think an email to WGT is the appropriate way to do it.  As someone else said, naming names on the forum isn't allowed and even it if was it isn't right.  You label someone as a cheat because you think they are without proof and they are now tagged as a cheat.