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Re: New Lobby Clock?

rated by 0 users
Fri, Mar 22 2013 11:33 PM (31 replies)
  • WakeIsland
    213 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 5:39 PM

    Router rebooted again!  AGAIN YOU CANNOT GET BACK IN 2:20.  THIS IS REDICULOUS!!

  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 5:47 PM

    Agree it is rediculous the same players asked for a way to get possibility continue a stroke if a player get disconnect or just quits, are them who start cry over it was 5 minutes. Wgt was foolish enough to listen to the crybabes and now have set all lobbyclocks on the rediculous 2.30 minutes timer, many good altmatches and scored matches get ruined on that clock. Ppl cant get back in game before they get timeout and the opponents get a technical win, even they are close to loose the game!!

    I never play challenge or skin for credits, but enjoy many scored matches and AS-Games.


  • WakeIsland
    213 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 6:53 PM


    2:20 is far too short.

    If you dont have to reboot the pc, and just your browser, it takes 2:20 just to restart the browser, load WGT from a bookmark, wait for it to load. Log In, wait for the log in. Load the game client, watch the advertising. wait for the continue or forfeit option, click continue, wait for the lobby to load. hope the host is on the ball and clicks TEE OFF immediately.

    5 mins was ok.

    4 min would be a happy medium IMO


    Happened again, however MRHITTER did the unthinkable and invited me back and forfeited to give me my credits back which I did not ask for or know he was going to do that.  Hats off to your sir!

  • putterdog
    6,738 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 8:46 PM



    from what I understand, all reconnect clocks have been changed to 2.5min, not just stroke.


    can you guys make it a vote    3 min   2.5  or  3.5     i think 3 is good   


  • putterdog
    6,738 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 8:49 PM


    2.5 mins is ridiculous if your playing for 7.2k a man, what we need is a wait for player button,

    so if all players click it we wait a extra 2.5 mins and so on

    I like it :}


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 9:53 PM


    In late August and early September last year after WGT introduced the new lobby and the 5 minute wait period there was a thread about it. 4 pages and most of the posters were begging for the wait time to be cut in half. That was just 1 thread and I'm sure there many more just like it. It appears that WGT listened to them.

    This is True!   There is a thread that WgtPizza(not his fault) said we have listened and have changed the Time down to 2.5 Mins....

    Time is too short and should be extended!!


  • superchuck
    210 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 10:01 PM

     My playing partners and I have experienced connection problems wherein 5 mins was just barely enough time....just sayin".



  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 10:44 PM

    Everyone wanting a shorter timer, was basing their opinions on "quitters".


    When I do AS, it's mainly with friends or from an invite, no quitters...and many times we've had guys sneak in at 4:50 or so...


    I say put it back to 5 minutes...let friends play, take your chances with whomever.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 10:47 PM


    Everyone wanting a shorter timer, was basing their opinions on "quitters".


    When I do AS, it's mainly with friends or from an invite, no quitters...and many times we've had guys sneak in at 4:50 or so...


    I say put it back to 5 minutes...let friends play, take your chances with whomever.

    Thanks Mb...  I agree totally :)


  • 76086
    306 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 11:33 PM

    It needs to go back to 5 minutes. Too many times circumstances control the time needed to return that can't be controlled by the player. Weather in their country is bad, system is stuttering, it really doesn't matter. The system here has been known to be flawed. I didn't get the memo it was being considered for a change. Didn't even know a meeting of the community was being held. Please change it back to 5 minutes.