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Re: How did this guy do this....

rated by 0 users
Fri, Mar 8 2013 10:37 PM (6 replies)
  • Scott2mee
    281 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 6:48 PM

    A player joins the game at the same time I did.. He is still at the tier below mine.. His average is 58. +  Am I missing something here.. I have a friend on my page.. He's a great player and actually I'm a bit of a fan.. I'm always looking at what he does and checking out his stats.. Anyone know Mr.Magnets.. Anyway his Average is 57 +  and it's earned.. I'm not saying the other player didn't earn his.. What I wanna know is how he did it.. Should I just flat out ask..

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 7:08 PM


    A player joins the game at the same time I did.. He is still at the tier below mine.. His average is 58. +  Am I missing something here.. I have a friend on my page.. He's a great player and actually I'm a bit of a fan.. I'm always looking at what he does and checking out his stats.. Anyone know Mr.Magnets.. Anyway his Average is 57 +  and it's earned.. I'm not saying the other player didn't earn his.. What I wanna know is how he did it.. Should I just flat out ask..

    Ask them if you want, why not ?...........and yes it is possible for someone to be 5 months in and still be a T / Pro, there could be many reasons..they play Alt / blitz etc ..they have one ranked round to their name that they posted 2 days ago....they just play any other mode / practice solely in the game.....etc etc infinitum

    Magnets deserves his place as a top player but comparing some T/ Pro (whatever their bent) is hardly fair.....not many are as good or even have the inclination to put the time and effort into bettering their game as he and many others have and do.

    Numbers are just that and without context it is impossible to call.

    Even then......

    Edit .P.S..Let us know the response you got from said member.. :))


  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 8:25 PM

    fmagnets is the bomb

    destroys me in match play tho


  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 7:44 PM

    Stop it everyone - you're making me blush!!

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 8:44 PM




    Stop it everyone - you're making me blush!! certainly a better player because fo you...thanks for everything


    Apologize for hijacking this thread and changing subject

    Edit:  as far as that 58 and being a tier below you . Remember avg is only from ranked rounds. Some guy could start an account, play only practice rounds and other rounds that don't count against avg. Be really good or a multi and play 1 or 2 ranked rounds and shoot a 58 and then his avg that is posted is the avg of those 1 or 2 rounds. Doesn't really mean anything, just keep doing what you are doing, don't worry about that kind of stuff. Play your game for your reason, within your parameters and just enjoy it for what it is for you.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 9:07 PM


    A player joins the game at the same time I did.. He is still at the tier below mine.. His average is 58. +  Am I missing something here.. I have a friend on my page.. He's a great player and actually I'm a bit of a fan.. I'm always looking at what he does and checking out his stats.. Anyone know Mr.Magnets.. Anyway his Average is 57 +  and it's earned.. I'm not saying the other player didn't earn his.. What I wanna know is how he did it.. Should I just flat out ask..

    You know some would look at my profile , and get the wrong idea about me too. I`m a Tour Master L93 , I dont play for credits , only for fun . I spend the majority of my time playing stroke play practice rounds . Some would think I`m a sandbagger , but I`m just a casual player. Stats can be very misleading , so remember , that when you are looking at other players, other players are looking at you . We all advance at our own pace , and no one has anything to prove to anyone here. So play well, have fun, and make friends. Happy Swinging


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 10:37 PM

    Averages can be very misleading for all the reasons above.  Superb players like the gentleman above are just superb players and an average to match, no need to sandbag...........Personally I trundle along in my own way and enjoy trying to get my average because I want to.  I also put in most of my scores because that's my amusement.  Some players for whatever reason are very protective of their average score and only put in a few good ranked rounds and spend the rest of their life doing something else.  I guess some will be sandbagging and some just happy to be casual as the gentlemen above said.  

    TLs Ls with great averages are just very very good players simple as that.  They have done the hard yards putting in excellent cards.  If anyone really wants their average down that the only way...hard yards improving and putting in better cards and sure equipment helps, but the really good player's put that better equipment to better use..........And yes sandbagging goes on and I am wary of it in the unlikely I accept a skins challenge from a L95 TM with all the gear and a 61 average, but sandbagging is something WGT are hot on so I am sure it's not as rife as some say?  


    That reference to L95 TM is no offense to the gentlemen above at all.  He is entitled to enjoy his leisure time as he wishes, but the point about skins challenges and so stands.  BUT as I say WGT are continually to weed out sand baggers so maybe it's not as rife as some say.  I hope :))  And as he says no one has anything to prove on here.......I agree with that!