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Re: Forgiveness on a club

Tue, Mar 12 2013 9:31 AM (13 replies)
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  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, Mar 12 2013 8:31 AM



    I truly believe your shot is predetermined before you shoot. Thats just MHO  

    I was going to play a stroke play match at Beth to reduce my average.

    Is it worth my while, what will I score Mr. Nostradamus?

    P.s. That was sarcasm as I truly believe you are talking nonsense.

    So let me ask you this, you never aimed way left of the pin with a 6-8 cross wind dinged the shot and wound up way way right of the pin. You never made a shot that you know plays long and wound up 10 yards short. You never  had a straight head wind  dinged the shot ( this is on a par 3 ) and the ball went 8 yards to the side of the pin. You never made a shot and there was a long pause before the shot was taken. Lets go the other way you never missed the ding really bad and you made a great shot. Wake up man these things do happen 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Mar 12 2013 9:01 AM

    Wake up man these things do happen 

    Yes they do but not the way you're saying they do. You're saying predetermined. That means no matter what setup you use the shot's going wherever it was predetermined it would. This makes no sense.

    I think what you might be confusing here is the fact that as soon as you click-ding or otherwise-the result of the shot is mathematically determined and you have to wait for the rendering to see the result. That mathematical computation is where VEM and deviation come into play.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Tue, Mar 12 2013 9:31 AM


    Why cant the help state this, its much more helpful.

    The FAQ does state it. I quoted the Pro Shop FAQ:

    Forgiveness: Displays how much Distance and Precision the ball will lose if not hit perfectly

    I will concede it doesn't state it with clarity, but applying logic allows sussing out what the statement means.



  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Tue, Mar 12 2013 9:31 AM

    +1 ^^^ at YJ's post.

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