can anyone help tell me how to get full screen on an iMac? the sides are black or white 27in wide screen thank you very much
Applejax: can anyone help tell me how to get full screen on an iMac? the sides are black or white 27in wide screen thank you very much
Actually it depends on your browser. Some browsers just have the sides black or white while others fill the entire screen. Just experiment with different browsers and I'm sure you will find one that fills the entire screen.
The Maxthon browser works well on full screen, but if you have a letter-box monitor you may still get some dark areas.
I use the same 22 inch monitor at home and work, at work I get the full screen and at home I get the black stripes, I think it's just a difference in operating systems.
You can't compare Apples and oranges... I mean Windows ;-)