gameclient.aspx?view=showReplay&JSON=%257B%2522GUID%2522%253A%25224f52bd96 2391 4ce6 9bf9 a14601834aab%2522%252C%2522Brand%2522%253A%2522%2522%257D
Ouch ,, send that replay to and ask for your ball back .
That had to be the strangest thing I have ever seen on WGT.
Lol yet another example of WGT 'realism' at work.
I always suspected there was a trampoline in that bunker!
This is very weird.
Not the shot (although that's strange too), but the user who started this thread. A spam bot of some sort? Look at the other posts by the same author, and then consider that this replay comes from this thread from two months ago. What's going on?
I agree, some strange stuff going on here. Other posts from this player have been weird aswell, as of late. idk man?!?
Thats is well funny made me lmao